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Shoutout to @Ph03nyxx and @rhavi_desmond for helping with correcting the errors :)


When Ying Jun got home, he first rushed to his wife and daughter. Once he made sure they were fine, then he punished the guards by killing the head in charge and gave them training from basic to make sure they didn't slack off again.

Ying Jun was proud of Ying Yue's achievement and was amazed at how precise she could cut the muscle joints of the assassin's leg and hand, making him incapable to move but didn't kill him. He was still alive by the time Ying Jun was home but he was weak as it has been 3 days since that night.

"Tell me, my beloved daughter, is there anything that you want at the moment?" Ying Jun ask Ying Yue who was bowing in respect before him.

Ying Yue glance at her mother Ying Fan who caught her staring and gave a nod in understanding. Ying Yue smiles in delight seeing this.

"If it is possible then honourable father, Ying Yue would like to learn how to do horse riding and archery as well as martial arts and swordsmanship as soon as possible", Ying Yue looks up to her father with begging eyes.

Ying Jun was surprised. Other girls would want to have jewellery but his daughter wanted to learn the arts of war. He actually allows this when she wanted to learn from a young age however his wife complained saying they would divorce and told him how Ying Yue shouldn't fight as she was still weak and a girl. He even gave a sword as her recent gift along with a dagger that was sharp and encrusted with jewels to Ying Yue in secret during her recent birthday.

When he waited for his wife's complaint, she did not say a word so he had to ask.

"What do you think of this beloved wife?" Ying Jun glance at Ying Fan.

Ying Fan looked like she was debating with herself and finally with a sigh, she said "As Ying Yue wishes, I could see she is serious about this to the point even I believe she will excel well however I am still worried so there are conditions"

And thus, as promised, she would continue to practice how to dance and play music as well as learn other subjects like accounting in case she will handle her future household. And that if she thinks she cannot fight then she is to run away and live even if it means abandoning pride.

Ying Yue jumps in excitement without thinking and rushes to her father and mother where she gave them hugs and kisses as thanks. She didn't mind running away from an opponent she couldn't fight as she would go back to fight them when she is ready again.

Both parents were happy that their child was overjoyed. But they were also worried yet decided to stay silent as this was the path their child has chosen.

"Then, starting from next week, you will learn from the best of the best until you could rival your old man here then", Ying Jun announce. "I will personally teach you the arts of swordsmanship and martial arts however I am not that confident in my archery and horse riding even though it is said to be the best".

Ying Jun was too humble. He is after all said to be the best general in Zen Nation but it was enough that he is willing to teach Ying Yue even though he is a busy man.

Before the next week came, Ying Yue was given a new set of clothes for training, and as a gift, her father bought her a Persian Mare which was a gift from an Arabian trader whose life got saved by the General. The Persian Mare (A/N: Yes, it's from Samurai Warrior) was beautiful. Its fur was red as flames and its hair was long and wavy. Ying Yue fell in love with the horse, she didn't hesitate to pat its head and named it, Blaze.

She also was brought to a blacksmith where her father accompanied her to the best weapon smith in the whole nation and got her a customized sword which was a one-sided sword that was made from iron. Iron was known to be the best ore for swords as they produce steel and though it is expensive, only those that were rich could afford it such as aristocrats and the royal family.

Once the week came, Ying Yue would be practising every day from morning to noon and sometimes practice in secret when it was nighttime at the back garden.

Of course, now that her parents allowed her to pursue her dream, she doesn't hide anymore. Even the servants, maids, and guards would watch her practice and compliment her on how dutiful and passionate Ying Yue was to train and get strong.

Word got spread to the locals thus Ying Yue somehow got famous until the Emperor heard of this and summons General Ying Jun to the palace with Ying Yue.

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