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Yin remains calm as the official approaches next to her to face the emperor.

"This official has heard disturbing news about General Yin that this official wish to share with the emperor", the man was wearing an official robe and was quite old and looks a bit sinister in Yin's opinion.

The emperor glance at Yin before asking, "Oh, do tell what is making you worry official Bo Qin"

The official was one of the old officials that were in charge of the Western continent's side and he gave a look to Yin before kowtowing and said "This official had heard that there is a man who wears a red and white mask that has been rampaging the Western continent and even killed this official's friend when he was on the way to the capital a week ago. This official seeks justice from Your Majesty!"

Whispers began to be heard as everyone was looking at Yin with a questioning glance.

Yin on the other hand was still calm as she said, "This General just came from the Eastern continent, how did this general go to the Western continent and even kill an official there when this general had travelled with the soldiers and arrived at the capital just 3 days ago?"

Bo Qin made a surprised look but recover before saying, "This official had heard about the general's skills. Thus, one might be able to travel separately from the army before coming to the capital and trick the soldiers"

Still calm, Yin asks "Official Bo Qin looks at Yin too highly. This General does not gain anything from killing official Bo Qin's friend and rampaging the Western continent"

It seems that this was the line that official Bo Qin had waited for as he said in a loud voice, "This official's friend had known General Yin's identity thus General had to silence my friend before the truth got out", without waiting for Yin to refute, he continues to say "General Yin is none other than criminal Du Yi and a citizen from Qi nation! This is why the General was able to let go of soldiers than came from the enemy nation and even receive intel about the army thus the consecutive victories!"

There were gasps around as everyone looks at Yin as an enemy now.

Du Yi was known to be famous in Zen nation as he was a war orphan that came from Qi nation that slaughtered around innocent Zen nation people and was quite strong that it took several soldiers to take him down. He was taken to ghost tower which was the strongest prison in the Zen nation yet he suddenly disappears one day and his body was never found.

Yin was smiling under her mask but nobody could see this. How could people fall for this nonsense?

Ting Ting, who was also in the banquet was rushing to Yin's side but a maid stopped her and she recognized the maid as Yin's secret guards.

Her parents, Ying Fan and Ying Jun were also trying to take action for her but Yin had also arranged for someone to stop them.

Yin kneeled down as she face the emperor and explained herself with a clear and loud voice as she said, "When I first fought at the Northern border, the Qi Nation had used children who were taken from farmers to be decoy soldiers thus had let them go. Though this general is a war orphan like Du Yi, this general is still young while Du Yi was known to be old and had long disappeared a few years ago that one can say he had died from old age. Du Yi does not own a sword that can wield the elements as this general can."

Once done speaking, official Bo Qin had begun to get worried and the whole people were confused. But Bo Qin was too prideful thus he pointed his hand and said, "Then you should take off your mask and show us your real face as the truth"

Silence filled the hall as everyone looks at Yin with high expectation. At last, they could finally see what did she look like.

Yin smirks before composing herself and facing the emperor said, "This general had suffered from a fire that took this general's parents away thus my face is horrible to look at. Will ask the emperor to give permission for one to show one's scarred face"

The emperor thought Yin was going to expose herself as Ying Yue in front of the crowd but scarred face from a fire? When did that happen? As everyone was waiting for the emperor's words, he could only say yes or else people would point fingers at him.

Yin then willingly took off her mask. There were gasps around as some even could not help but shiver in fear or disgust looking at her face.

As it was a burnt face that was covered with the mask while there was a long straight line cut across her nose that fell below her eyes.

"Does this general have the same face as Du Yi?"

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