Happy Chinese New Year (Edited)

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Hello, my beloved readers, 

The first thing I wanted to add here was that before I edited the book I realize that I used a different writing style for the introduction if you guys realize it. But from chapter 2 onwards, the style changed. 

Also, her first army is called the Wolf army but her 2nd one gifted from Li Jian is called the Tiger army. Together they combine to become the Heavenly Order army.

I know it has been quite a while ever since the book was complete. And you have no idea how happy I was with the votes you cast and the comments you typed. Honestly, I did not expect you guys would enjoy the story this much as it was actually full of imagination and nonsense. Ahaha. But hey, that's what stories are all about right? :)

So to reward you guys, I thought I should share some interesting facts about the story when I made it.

Fact 1: Did you know the story was not supposed to have any romance in the first place?

In the beginning, I imagine Ying Yue as that badass female main character that is independent and all those cool stuff. But then again, I wanted to create a happy ending for her so I paired her up with the also cool and badass Wu Li Jian instead of the two princes as I wanted their love story to begin with something like a fight. And not love at first sight and stuff.

But the interesting part here is that Wu Li Jian liked how Ying Yue was as herself and the moral of the story was actually that just be who you are and comfortable with as someone is bound to like you by being yourself. Plus, I wanted my characters to have a romance since I myself has been single ever since I was born (Aha). Sigh.... -_-" (We'll all find the one someday)

Fact 2: Their children are destined for greatness.

Their daughter, Zhen Zhen would end up becoming the empress of the Zen nation as she married the first prince, Wang Zhi Feng's son. Just imagine the prince's failed first love and wanting to be connected to Ying Yue by family instead of as they actually really loved her before Li Jian snatched her away. 

While the son would be the emperor of Qi nation as Li Jian's brother, Wu Guo Hang's children died of natural death and thus Feng Ge was appointed as the Emperor instead. And he married the daughter of Southern General Sun Chao and Ting Ting as Ying Yue promised to connect their families. 

Fact 3: Wu Guo Hang's attitude towards Ying Yue.

He does not communicate much with Ying Yue at first and actually hated Ying Yue as she took his beloved brother Wu Li Jian away. He had developed a brother complex as the two brothers are close to each other and depend on one another to survive in that toxic atmosphere of the imperial palace in Qi Nation. As their emperor father was quite a strict man while their mother was even more obsessed with her children to be the best, the typical drama.

But after Ying Yue removed obstacles one by one such as the stupid cousin, and the bad imperial aunt, as well as maintaining the peace between the two nations, Wu Guo Hang warmed up to them a bit. Which was why he pass the throne to his nephew, Feng Ge without hesitation since the throne actually belonged to his brother, to begin with. 

Fact 4: Wu Li Jian fell for Yin first.

You might know this well but what you might not know is that I imagined Li Jian falling for the male version of Ying Yue aka Yin first. This is because he felt happy to meet a strong guy like Yin and he unconsciously admired him. So when he found out Yin was actually Ying Yue, he did not hesitate to propose to her as he wanted her to be his. Possessive, I know but the boy wants what he wants.

And although Ying Yue did not object to the marriage, the moment when she realize she actually fell in love with Li Jian was the moment when they reunited after the incident with Princess Wo Bao Zhai. Plus she was secretly happy that her husband is quite a good looking man and that she realize she could never get a husband like Li Jian in her previous life before she died so it made her love him more.

Fact 5: The treasured sword's origin.

So the idea about Element and An is really random and incomplete that I also could not properly do a background story about them since it's very full of nonsense if you realized it. But there are actually other treasured swords such as the solo elements: light, fire, water, lightning and etc. But in the story, I only made it about the sword of darkness and the elemental sword as that was what I got interested in. Had I made the Crown Prince Zhi Feng wield the light elemental sword, he'll be competing with Li Jian and you know that plot where two guys fight over one girl. But I did not want that thus why there were only the two swords.

The creator of the sword is also one heck of a weird guy that also transmigrated from somewhere else and had powers beyond human knowledge. And not a single soul would truly understand what he wanted to achieve with the swords. 

All in all, I think that would entertain you all more. I've also finished editing so that my new readers and old readers won't have to suffer. Once again, thank you for reading and Happy Chinese New Year to those celebrating them. (/^-^)/ 

Just comment if there are any questions you guys might want to know and I'll answer them one by one if I can. 

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