The Palace

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General Ying Jun is actually a childhood and close friend of the current Emperor of Zen Nation. The capital city is Jade city where they reside in as the General has to be close to the Emperor so he could protect him.

Even though this is the case, Ying Jun does not feel safe bringing his daughter Ying Yue to the palace as even though this is where defence is the toughest, this is also where most blood is spilt.

Plus, he was afraid the emperor would get Ying Yue to be exposed to the Royal Family early and will take her as a daughter-in-law which he knew Ying Yue wouldn't want. Nobody was happy when their child is taken to the palace, even though it meant having a high prestige as well as many things.

Ying Yue saw her father's face changing every second as their carriage reached the palace and she had an inkling of what her father was worried about which is why she will be careful in the palace.

I will not get involved with the Royal Family unless it is for War, she thought.

"Father, please do not worry too much as we are just seeing the Emperor today", she reminds her father.

Yes, Ying Jun made the Emperor swear they would just come for a visit and nothing more or else Ying Jun wasn't going to bring Ying Yue anymore.

Nobody should refuse the emperor but because the two were childhood friends the emperor understood the general's worries.

So instead he said, "I just want our children to meet. If they fall in love then they fall in love and there would be nothing we can do" when the general faced him directly after the usual morning meetings.

In the general's mind, Ying Yue was very adorable and though he wasn't sure how boys her age would react to her, he was sure they would think she was a boy if it weren't for the feminine clothes she had to wear to please her mother.

Even now it was the same.

When it was finally time to meet, Ying Yue followed her father's lead to the training hall where the Emperor was waiting with his Empress and Concubines as well as his Princes and Princesses.

The Emperor was called Wang Qi Shin and his empress was Wang Ye Zhi who was the mother of the First Prince, Wang Zhi Feng.

While the emperor's favourite concubine after the Empress was Concubine Yi who mothers the Second Prince Wang Xi Er and First Princess Wang Yi Yiu.

Though Concubine Qi doesn't have a child, she is known to be weak in health which is why the emperor doesn't dare to lose her because it was said if she bears a child she would die once she gives birth.

Lastly is Concubine Rui, who is the youngest of the favoured concubines. She just gave birth to the Third Prince Wang Rui Zhen this year and you could see she was holding him dearly and gently by her side.

Do all the Royal Family usually meet one girl like this? Or is this a set-up at some point? Ying Yue was worried now.

At one point she realizes perhaps they were judging her as they would use this opportunity to either see a threat or an opportunity for the Royal Family.

"Greetings Your Majesty, General Ying Jun is here with my daughter Ying Yue to greet you" Ying Jun kneels which Ying Yue followed.

"Rise, my friend, there is no need to be tense at the moment. I am just curious about the little child who is determined to be the next Fa Mu Lan", the Emperor rose from his seat and greets his friend as well as his daughter.

"You are Ying Yue? You fit quite the image of a brave young girl as the rumours portray as I see that there is a flame in your eyes", The emperor puts his hand on Ying Yue's chin so he could raise her head to see her face and sure enough, there was a determined look in them, the other princes and princesses already acknowledge Ying Yue as an astounding child but they didn't show it yet.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please forgive this servant for looking into Your Majesty's eyes as this servant is still not worthy to face Your Majesty. Not until this servant becomes a general for Your Majesty." Ying Yue replies.

She was relaying her message on how she wishes to be a General and serve for his majesty until he deems her worthy.

The Emperor was impressed at Ying Yue as she not only mentions her wish but also swore loyalty to the royal family at the same time. She was an honest and brave child indeed.

"It is no fret child, just think of me as your uncle from now on as your father and I are considered as brothers from when we were young. Please don't be shy", the Emperor smiles at Ying Yue.

Ying Yue return the smile and kneels in respect as she fists her hand and said, "Yes Your Majesty. Then please allow this girl to call you Royal Uncle from today onwards"

Ying Yue was actually happy because this meant the Emperor did not see her as a candidate for marriage with the princes and had respected her wishes.

Though the other Consorts and the Empress all had their eyes on Ying Yue. They all had a good impression of her so far.

"Well now that we are all here, I will explain that I called Ying Yue because I wanted to see her practice with the other Princes. You don't mind showing us do you Ying Yue?" the Emperor asks.

Ying Yue froze. She did expect this but practice with the Royal Princes will not be easy and she had to ask the emperor.

"If Royal Uncle wishes to see our practice then I ask forgiveness from Royal Uncle and Empress as well as Royal Concubines in advance as Ying Yue will get serious in practice and may hurt the princes" it was cocky of her to say this but Ying Yue had to say it in advance or else she sense they would not be forgiving.

The Emperor was surprised again, though what she said was a bold statement as she hasn't practised with the Prince or hurt them yet, she was being cautious before they start.

"Then you have my permission Ying Yue. After all, I expect you all to be serious about this practice".

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