Café Encounter

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Amelia Diaz was patiently waiting her turn at the counter for her order to be taken. The Cashier waiting on everyone was her close friend Eric Corté.
"Next please!" He called his voice thick with sleep.
"That would be me!" Amelia said cheerily as she hopped in front of him.
"Gross, I hate morning people." Eric scrunched up his nose and shook his head. "What can I get you today Diaz?" Amelia smiled and leaned across the counter "Chocolate scone and a hot chocolate."
Eric smiled brightly and headed towards the case of scones when the bell on the front door rang.
"Welcome to..." Eric's voice died in his throat when he saw who was walking through the door. A tall blonde woman with striking blue eyes and a very small skirt.
Amelia watched his reaction and her breathing hitched. The woman was beautiful there was no denying it and she was zeroed in on Eric. Eric was suddenly right in front of her and snapped his fingers under her nose. "Diaz I need you to help me okay...just play along." Amelia wasn't sure what exactly that meant but she nodded. As the woman approached she gave him a dazzling smile.
"Eric, I'm so glad to see you!" As the woman leaned in for a hug he wrapped his arm around Amelia's waist and pulled her into his side.
"Hey Jen how've you been?" Amelia's heart was beating faster then it should've. She looked at Eric for a sign of discomfort but saw nothing. "Oh who's this?" Jen spoke with a polished British accent.
"This is my girlfriend Amelia." Amelia schooled her features into a smile and laid her head on his shoulder.
Eric squeezed her side in thanks for playing along but his stomach flipped at the contact. Jen looked between them and gave him a wicked smirk.
"I see your...taste has changed." Amelia went suddenly stiff and moved to grab Eric's hand. Eric was surprised but played along. "His...taste as you called it seems to have improved." Eric couldn't keep the grin off his face as she wrapped his arm around her neck and pressed her back into his chest, effectively making them as close as possible. Jen tossed her hair behind her shoulder and scoffed.
"Well, I was expecting a warm welcome but I see that you've become distracted by lesser things." Jen turned and marched out of the store slamming the door in the process. Eric laughed and ran his free hand through his hair
"Thanks Diaz, I owe you." Just then Amelia realized they were still holding hands and pressed against each other. She hastily pulled her hand away and took a step back.
"Yeah you definitely owe me, what the hell was that?" Eric swallowed and gave her a lopsided smile.
"You remember how I spent a semester abroad...well me and Jen kind of dated the whole time and she's been trying to get in contact with me I...." Eric rubbed his neck a nervous tick he'd had since high school.
"I avoided her because I...liked someone else." Amelia tried not to feel hurt by this admission and gave a halfhearted laugh.
"You always did have terrible taste in women."
Eric walked back behind the counter.
"I think I have pretty good taste in fake girlfriends." Amelia shook her head and laughed even though it was pained.
"Eric you have no idea what you're missing out on."
Eric's head shot up as he handed her the bag and cup. "What?" Amelia suddenly realized what she'd said and laughed so harshly it made her cough.
"I'll see you later!" She grabbed her food and practically ran out the door.


Amelia ran home faster than the speed of light.
"Amelia what did you do!" She shouted at herself. She squeezed her eyes shut and saw his beatiful blue eyes looking right at her.
"Ugh! I can't believe I did that!" She placed her order on the counter and face planted into her couch.
"Did what?" A voice asked from behind her. Amelia rolled over and faced her best friend Sheila Vice.
"You won't believe what I had to do this morning." Sheila joined Amelia on the couch and settled her head on her hands.
"Please enlighten me." Amelia told her everything and cringed as she recounted the events of that morning.
"I can't believe I said that out loud!" She buried her face in a throw pillow and screamed.
"Amelia why don't you just tell the man you like him?" Amelia turned her face to look at her friend and sighed.
"You should've seen his ex, she's the exact opposite of me." Amelia threw the pillow behind her and stood up. "She was super tall and blonde and...British!" Amelia threw her hands into the air and groaned. "I'm not even 5"2 I have plain brown eyes and just no legs to speak of not to mention he sees me as a friend ever since high school."
Sheila laughed and wrapped her arm around her friend. "I can see that you're distressed but I also think he likes you back." Amelia shook her head adamantly. "No way he just needed me to pretend to be a girlfriend because I was was just convienence."
Sheila smirked and squeezed her friend's shoulder.
"We'll see but if you find out that he likes you, you totally owe me one."
Amelia chuckled "Funny he owes me one too, let's go shopping that always cheers me up."

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