"fake" dating?

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Eric stared at his screen and licked his suddenly dry lips.
"So how about a movie tonight, just the two of us?" Amelia's text read, with the addition of a winky face it was a sly, but definitely flirty, text. Eric felt his heart beat faster but he shook his head.
"We're friends this isn't a date if we pay for ourselves."  Eric typed up a witty reply and hit send.

"Sounds like a date, count me in you buying?"
Amelia's jaw dropped. If not for the laughing face at the end she'd have thought he was one hundred percent serious.
"What do I say to that, that's an outright flirt, right?" She asked uncertainly. Sheila rolled her eyes.
"Just say yes and go on a date with the man."
Amelia could feel her face heat but she frowned in concentration as she typed up her answer.

"I'll buy tickets if you buy snacks, concessions is far too pricey for a lady like me." Eric stared at the reply for a split second before a grin bloomed on his face.
"Gladly my lady." Short and sweet would definitely give him some points. Eric stood up abruptly his knee hitting the coffee table in his living room with a bang. Why was he trying to flirt with her? They were just friends, flirting meant more than friends. Eric groaned and ran his hands through his hair. This was going to be an issue.

Amelia squealed in delight at his reply and Sheila rolled her eyes but grinned.
"Now all we have to do is find you a killer outfit." Sheila stated, she grabbed Amelia and dragged her to her room.

Amelia laid back on her bed with a groan.
"How do I have nothing to wear!" She wailed in defeat.  Sheila chuckled and grabbed a few things then walked over to her friends side.
"Try this you maniac." Sheila tossed a plain black tshirt and a pair of Jean shorts on her stomach. Amelia lifted her head and raised an eyebrow.
"Isn't that kind of plain?" She asked uncertainly. Sheila crossed her arms.
"When have I ever failed you in the fashion department?" Amelia chuckled and grabbed the clothes. After changing quickly she looked at her messages again.
"Pick you up at 8?" It read. A quick reply later and Amelia was now buzzing with excitement and nerves.

Eric pulled up to Amelia's apartment building and went to the call box. He buzzed her apartment number and waited patiently. The speaker crackled "Hello handsome, I'm sending down your Lady, try not to pass out or drool." He could almost hear Sheila's smirk and he stuck his tongue out at the box. A few moments later he heard the gate on the front door creak open. He practically skipped over and smiled as he saw Amelia emerge. He now knew why Sheila had warned him. Jean shorts and a plain black shirt accentuated her curves very nicely. He had heard that black was slimming but he didn't think anyone could look that distracting in something so plain. He snapped his jaw shut before it could fall open. Amelia gave him an almost shy smile.
He nodded and led her to the car. He opened her door then slid into the driver's seat.
"I am a little curious as to why you chose a horror movie?" Eric asked with a quick glance to his friend. Amelia went pink and she bit her lip.
"I thought it would be a good idea to try and get over my fear." It was a lame excuse but she surely wouldn't tell him the truth.

Amelia found her hands shaking as she stared at the poster for "Dead man's bluff", it was a large horrific looking monster. It's knuckles dragged on the ground and the glowing red eyes seemed to stare directly at her. A hand grabbed her shoulder and she jumped. A small squeak escaped her and then she heard a deep rumbling laugh behind her.
"I got the tickets, you ready?" Amelia nodded and tucked her hair behind her ear. She started to walk forward but was gently tugged back a step. Eric had a firm grip on her hand and he was smirking at her.
"You didn't think I'd figure it out did you?" He asked with a chuckle. Amelia felt her face heat and she dropped her eyes.
"Figure what out?" She asked shakily. Eric smirked and leaned down until she made eye contact with him.
"I know you're just trying to impress me." Amelia felt her jaw drop and she was silent for a moment before busting out laughing. Eric raised an eyebrow and let go of her hand to cross his arms.
"Oh so I'm wrong?"
Amelia let the chuckles die out then she grabbed his hand back.
"You got me, let's go get scared out of our minds."

Eric felt his heart thump in his chest as Amelia led him to the theater. He blinked hard and shook his head but didn't attempt to remove his hand from hers. Bad Eric you're just friends, you can't think her laugh is amazing; He thought to himself. He let himself be led up to their seats which were located as far from the screen as they could manage. Amelia tugged his hand and found their seats. He sat beside her and waited for her to release his hand but found her grip as firm as ever as he looked over at her. She had her eyes locked in a forward position and she made herself comfortable.

Amelia felt his eyes on her and she swallowed but stared at the advertisement.  Eric chuckled slightly beside her and gave her hand a squeeze. The lights dimmed and the previews started but their hands were firmly entwined. Amelia felt her nerves get the better of her and she turned slightly to look at Eric. He was however looking at the screen intently as the movie began. The title card turned from regular letters to blood dripping down the screen. Amelia scooted back in her chair.

Eric felt her squirm and he ran his thumb over the back of her hand. He thought he heard an intake of breath but he ignored it. Probably nerves from the movie, he reasoned. Amelia pulled their joined hands closer to her and gripped his hand tighter as the monster encroached on the lead cornering him. Eric let his eyes scan her face and he saw her bottom lip caught between her teeth. He felt his heart thump again and he shook his head.
"Are you okay?" He whispered. She jumped and looked at him sheepishly but nodded. He smiled at her and lifted their entwined hands to his lips brushing a soft kiss against her knuckles.

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