Final fitting

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Amelia stared at his unmoving, silent figure. Her heart felt like it might stop if he was silent much longer.
"Eric?" She spoke his name in almost a whisper. Suddenly he was directly in front of her. One arm was around her waist and his hand found it's way into her hair. Her heart soared as he kissed her. She felt her arms wrap around his neck and she tiptoed to deepen the kiss. It was the most perfect moment in her entire life. His hold only tightened as her lips slid against his. She ran her hands through his messy dark locks and sighed into the kiss. He finally pulled away for breath and his freshly kissed lips were split into a grin. He laid his forehead against hers and his bright blue eyes locked with her dark ones.
"I love you Amelia Diaz, I love you." He breathed the words like a prayer. Amelia's head was spinning, she never thought she'd find happiness like this. Now staring into his brilliantly blue eyes she knew she had everything she needed. Eric gave her another quick kiss and another then he picked her up by the waist and spun her around. Amelia laughed as he set her back on her feet.
"I'm sorry you had to wait so long." Eric stated as he brushed a loose curl behind her ear, his eyes scanning her features. She smiled and kissed him again.
"It was worth it."

Sheila ran across the apartment floor and slid on the welcome mat promptly slamming into the door.
She swung the door open to Amelia's brilliantly white grin. Sheila let out a squeal of delight and didn't even let Amelia take a step into the apartment. Her arms flew around Amelia's shoulders and she hopped up and down excitedly.
"This is so exciting!" She shouted practically deafening poor Amelia. The two women separated and entered the apartment. Sheila dragged her friend to the couch and hopped into a crossed leg stance on the other end.
"Tell me everything." She demanded with a grin. Amelia laughed but indulged her friend with a smile.
"He told me he loves me...he kissed me." She stated simply with a blush across her nose and cheekbones. Sheila giggled and hopped up and down making Amelia bounce on the cushions.
"What else, I need details." She grabbed Amelia's hands and scooted until their knees were touching. Amelia felt the warmth of his love spread in her chest as she recounted the events from not two hours ago.

Eric stared at the sign on his door as it blinked to closed. How could things change so much in one day? He wondered with a sigh. He turned and bumped into someone. He reached out and caught her arm as she tipped forward on her high heels.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" His voice died halfway through as he noticed just who's arm he was holding.
"Jen?" His voice held both shock and annoyance at her being outside his shop yet again. Jen smiled showing off her perfect teeth and bright red lipstick.
"I decided that I reacted rashly before and I want to give it another shot." She stated matter-of-factly. Eric couldn't resist and rolled his eyes.
"What exactly do you think you're giving a second shot?" He asked knowingly. She grabbed his hands and attempted to press up against him. He took a quick step back and pulled his hands out of her grasp. Undeterred she bit her lip seductively and placed her hands on her hips.
"Us silly, I want to date again." She seemed to think he still wanted this as much as she did.
"No can do, I'm already dating someone." He spoke triumphantly and his heart soared as he remembered it wasn't just an out for him anymore. Jen chuckled and clicked her tongue.
"That skimpy little nobody won't hold your affections for long, you'll come running back to me soon enough." She stated with venom in her voice. Eric raised an eyebrow and his smile grew even wider.
"You have no clue how pathetic you look right now." A voice stated from behind her. His eyes landed on a spot behind her where the voice had come from. Kendall stood hands on hips her eyes cutting through any reply Jen would've had.
"Now you're going to leave my friend alone and never come back here again." She took a few steps forward and found she was taller than Jen by a solid foot. Kendall smirked and tapped her shoulder almost sympathetically.
"In fact you can go all the way back to England, tata!" She shouted in a fake accent as she shoved Jen away. Jen gasped and sputtered but had no reply to Kendall's verbal assault. Finally she tossed her silky blonde hair over her shoulder and marched away. Eric let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and smiled at his friend.
"Thanks Kendall." He found her giving him a mischievous smirk.
"So how'd it go?" She asked in an excited tone. Eric had never seen her so expressive before. He laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"It went fantastic, how about a ride home and I'll tell you all the juicy details?" He offered, Kendall nodded eagerly and they headed for his car.

Amelia was being led down the street blindfolded in heels. She giggled as Eric's voice whispered in her ear.
"Just a little bit farther, almost there."
Amelia felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter. She smiled and squeezed his hand.
"You should have warned me there was going to be blindfolds involved and I would've worn more sensible shoes." She joked as she stumbled slightly on the uneven ground. Eric laughed and placed a hand on her lower back sending a shiver down her spine.
"You'd be mad if I hadn't told you to dress up for the occasion." He stated with a smile in his voice.
"What is the occasion anyway?" She asked hoping to get a clue as to where he was leading her. A deep throaty chuckle sounded from over her shoulder and she sighed.
"Now that would ruin the surprise." He spoke directly into her ear making her shiver. Even after six months of dating he still managed to get to her.
"Okay, stay right here." She heard the creak of a gate and her heels sank into the grassy floor beneath her. Her heart beat erratically as his hand slipped out of hers. She heard hushed voices and clinking of glasses. Suddenly her vision was restored as an unseen hand untied the blindfold. Her eyes blew wide as soon as they readjusted to the light. She found herself back in the small clearing where her love story had officially began. The trees were strung with little twinkling fairy lights and she could hear the strains of piano music coming from hidden speakers in the grove. Her hand flew to her mouth as she took in her surroundings. She turned to find that Sheila was the one who had freed her of her blindfold. Her mother and Aunt Delia even Amanda was present as well as their close friends Jack Barrows and of course Sheila. Eric's mother and sister Amelia felt tears prick her eyes as she realized just where this was heading. There was a path laid out in white tulle that wound through the trees and was lined by battery powered candles. Sheila grabbed her hand and led her to the beginning of the trail.
"You better get going." Sheila said with a giddy smile and she nudged Amelia a step forward. Her heart hammered hard at her ribcage as she took a tentative step forward. She made her way past the trees which were now hung with tulle to match the pathway and more twinkling lights. She got to a sharp curve that stopped in a dead end. She took a deep breath and rounded the corner. There was a trellis archway covered in calla lilies and more lights that made the small covered cove glow like a fairytale. Her heart caught in her throat as she saw him. Eric was under the trellis down on one knee.
"Oh Eric." Her voice came out watery as a tear made it's way down her cheek. He smiled at her making her heart jump like it always did. She took the last few steps and stood in front of him. He looked up at her and took her hand in his. She could tell right away that he was just as nervous as she was. His hands were shaking and his smile was wobbly.
"Amelia Diane Diaz, you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, I'm sorry it took so long for me to notice you." Eric began his eyes tearing up. Amelia gave a shaky and tearful laugh as he continued.
"Amelia, will you marry me?" Amelia thought her heart might explode from happiness as she nodded furiously. 
"Yes, yes!" She threw her arms around his neck as he slid the ring on her finger and stood. She pulled back and captured his lips with her own as they were joined by applause from their friends and family.

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