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Ilene felt her headache return as her Niece entered the room. She sighed as Amanda sidled up to her and smiled sweetly.
"Auntie I know this is unusual, but I was wondering if you wanted to come spend the afternoon with me, I know this cute little cafe in town." Amanda's voice seemed to increase the beating of the headache on her temples but she smiled at her regardless.
"Of course dear now if you'll excuse me I'm going to have some tea and I'll let you know when I'm ready." Amanda squeaked and gave her a kiss on the cheek before skipping out of the room. Ilene watched her go then made her way to her small kitchen. As she started a pot of boiling water she thought about her only daughter. She'd been somewhat distant as of late and it seemed she kept getting busier with her work schedule. Ilene pulled out her cell phone and texted Amelia.
"Amanda is taking me to lunch today, maybe you could join us?" She sighed and hit send. Ilene felt that there was something strange about this whole situation. Amelia's sudden boyfriend, although Ilene knew full well that her daughter liked the young man for a while. The reason behind Amanda's odd actions and the boy himself seemed to be perfectly fine playing along to the two cousins game. Ilene rubbed the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. Dwelling on it simply wouldn't do she'd have to speak with her daughter before things got out of hand.

Amanda smirked as she entered the lobby of her hotel. She knew that Eric would be working today and she knew that if her Aunt saw him working in such a podunk little shop she surely wouldn't let her precious only child marry into that. Her warning about the title had been complete bogus but she hoped that Eric was dense enough to fall for it and make a fool of himself.
"Good afternoon mother." Amanda singsonged as she opened the door to her shared hotel room. Delia sighed and looked up at her daughter.
"Afternoon, where did you run off to?" She asked. Amanda hopped on the bed opposite her mother and smiled wickedly.
"I visited Aunt Ilene, we're going to have lunch." Amanda explained. Delia raised an eyebrow, obviously wary of her daughters actions. Amanda turned to the television and rolled her eyes.
"What is this?, I can't believe you watch something so...boring." Delia ignored her daughter and continued to watch the show. Amanda was at the age she couldn't keep her from doing what she wanted but Delia felt her stomach knot with nerves. Surely she hadn't raised her daughter to be so...conniving?

Ilene listened as Amanda prattled on about her day. Evidently it was very exciting as she had run into someone famous. Ilene sighed and looked out the window. A buzz on her lap made her look down and pick up her phone.
"Don't worry I'll save you." It read. Ilene smiled at her daughters reply. She was worried that she'd be too busy. Amanda parked on the curb and opened her door. "We're here!" Ilene stepped onto the sidewalk and stared at the awnings. An array of different colors splashed the street and made Ilene smile. It had been a long time since she had come to this side of town.
"Oh Auntie, isn't this great!" Amanda seemed to be overacting as she grinned and gestured for Ilene to follow. She followed her niece and they came upon a small corner shop with an especially bright awning. It was blue and yellow striped with the words "First Stop Coffee." Emblazoned on it in Teal. Ilene found this place oddly familiar and shrugged thinking maybe she'd been here before long ago.

Amanda looked inside and saw that it was slow except for one customer, an Auburn haired woman, patiently waiting at the pick up counter. She ushered Ilene inside and kept her eyes peeled for anything that could ruin this whole charade Amelia had going. The dark haired vixen that had spoken to her the last time she was here was walking into the back when they entered. Ilene tapped her on the shoulder and she turned with a smile.
"Yes Auntie?" Ilene gave her a brief smile and held up her phone.
"Amelia is coming to join us shall we pick a seat and wait?" Amanda could've jumped for joy but she kept her joy in check.
"That's great Auntie." She led them to a seat where she could keep an eye on the counter and hopefully see Eric. Ilene seemed to suddenly find the view out the windows more interesting than conversation and Amanda took the opportunity to watch the counter. The kitchen door swung open and Eric emerged a huge grin on his face. The tall auburn haired woman greeted him with a ten watt smile and he gave her a long hug. Amanda smiled as she saw her chance.
"Auntie isn't that Amelia's boyfriend?" She faked shock and disappointment as she gestured to the pair still tightly embracing. Ilene graced the pair with a stoic look and raised an eyebrow at Amanda.
"I can see that, perhaps she's a mutual acquaintance?" Ilene supplied. Amanda sighed then tutted as she shook her head. She hid a smirk as she heard Ilene's cell phone beep. Ilene frowned but a smile graced her lips shortly after.
"She's almost here." Ilene informed. Amanda bit her lip to keep from smiling too widely as Eric and the woman got into a lively conversation then he ran to the back. Not a moment later he reemerged and they left the cafe. Amanda turned her attention back to her Aunt who now looked worried.
"How far is Amelia?" Amanda attempted to ask nonchalantly. Ilene looked at her phone and her brows knitted together in concern.
"She hasn't texted yet." Amanda nodded and swung a look towards the door. She saw a few people meandering down the street but no Amelia. Another moment passed and Ilene's phone buzzed. Ilene bit her lip and sighed. Amanda felt her smirk widen and she cleared her throat in an attempt to hide it.
"What's wrong?" She asked in false worry. Ilene looked up at her Niece and shook her head.
"She said she can't make it."

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