Shock and Regret

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Author's note: pictured above is very close to how I imagine Eric to look disclaimer not my art

Amelia was in shock. How could she have almost slipped up so badly? She ran a hand through her hair and groaned. She heard the door handle jiggle as Sheila arrived home.
"Honey I'm home!" Sheila shouted her usual greeting.
"Well at least one of us is in a good mood." Amelia replied, she was however feeling better with her best friend's contagious joy now present. Sheila hugged her and pulled her into the living room.
"I know I've been basically absent for the past week so tell me everything." Her eyes sparkled with mischief. Amelia groaned again and face planted into Sheila's lap. Sheila chuckled and gave the back of her head a pat.
"That bad huh?"
Amelia nodded without lifting her head. Sheila poked her friends head.
"Well, tell me anyway." Amelia sat up and sighed.
"Well good news is Eric's not dating anyone." Amelia began. Sheila raised an eyebrow and smirked.
"And the bad news is I almost confessed to his ridiculously attractive face that I'm in love with him." Sheila gave a sputtered laugh then covered her mouth as she could tell Amelia had more to say.
"I also may have admitted to him that I think he has a ridiculously attractive face." Sheila felt her chin start to shake then she was bent double laughing over her knees.
"This isn't funny!" Amelia slapped Sheila's arm and pouted with her arms across her chest. Sheila sat up and pushed her hair out of her watery eyes then took a deep breathe.
"I'm sorry...that's just...amazing." Sheila said airily. Amelia cracked a smile but kept her arms crossed.
"What do I do now, he probably thinks I'm insane or worse." Amelia bit her lip suddenly serious.
"Sheila I'm terrified." She almost whispered. Sheila scooted closer and grabbed her hand.
"Amelia, you're in love with him correct?" Amelia nodded.
"Then don't freak out, fight for this guy, you deserve to be happy." As if on cue Amelia's phone buzzed and she jumped at the intrusion.
"It's probably him, check it." Sheila nudged her towards the abandoned cell phone on their coffee table.
"Hey, I was thinking dinner tomorrow?" It read. Amelia's heart ricocheted in her chest. Taking a deep breath she replied.
"Sounds fun but don't you have work late?" She certainly didn't want to discourage him but she was sure he'd told her it was his turn to close the store.

Eric stared at the phone in anticipation of her reply. A ding had his heart pounding.
"Sounds fun but don't you have work late?" It read. Eric typed fast and hit send with a grin on his face.
"Kendall said she'd take my closing shift and I took her opening, so?" Amelia's reply took a moment longer but his phone lit up.
"Awesome, when do we need to meet up?" He took a deep breath and sent his reply. His plan was risky but he was willing to give it a shot.
"I was thinking I'd pick you up at eight?"

Amelia stared at his response and could barely contain a grin. She typed quickly and hit send.
"Sounds good."
She looked over at Sheila and grinned.
"He wants to pick me up for dinner tomorrow." Sheila squealed in delight and Amelia joined in.

Eric smiled at her reply and his heart beat faster. He couldn't quite figure out when he'd fallen in love with her. He knew it had taken him a while to realize it. He'd have to see how things went and maybe this fake dating would end up with a real relationship. He ran a hand through his already disheveled dark waves. His sister sat on his couch speaking animatedly to his mother through a video chat.
"Gizelle how do you feel about lunch tomorrow?" She turned at the sound of his voice and shrugged.
"Not sure, what do you have in mind?" His mother smiled at the two and shook her head.
"I wish I could join you but alas duty calls, I'll see you both in a few weeks, au revoir my loves!" She blew kisses at her children and signed off. Gizelle turned to her brother and smirked.
"You look like you've had the best day of your life, what happened?" Eric recalled the conversation they'd had in the car a few days before and he laughed in disbelief.
"I'm about to say something you probably never thought I'd say." Gizelle's finely crafted eyebrow rose to her auburn hairline and she smirked.
"I'm in love with Amelia." Gizelle's smirk turned into a full blown grin.
"You were right." He finished, although he didn't look very bummed by the fact. Gizelle clapped and gave a little jump on her couch.
"So how did she react?" She asked with genuine curiosity.  Eric blushed and rubbed his neck while avoiding eye contact.
"I...didn't tell her." Gizelle's mouth fell open and she gasped.
"You moron!, why not?" She was standing now and had her hands on her hips. Eric grimaced and shrugged.
"I'm not sure how she feels about me, we've known each other since high school." He explained as he stood to face his indignant sister.
"We've always been friends first and she kind of avoided me when Jack and Sheila weren't around." Gizelle rolled her eyes as if he was being even dumber.
"You are single handedly the most dense person I've ever met." She grabbed her brothers hand and pulled him onto her couch so that they sat facing each other.
"Look I know I haven't met this girl yet but I'm positive that she at least likes you." Eric bit the inside of his cheek and sighed.
"Well we're having dinner tomorrow and, I know this is going to sound stupid but it's the only plan I've got." He gave his sister a sheepish smile before continuing.
"I'm going to take her on a real date but I'm not going to tell her that because she always gets teased by her cousin about never getting past a first date." He explained. Gizelle nodded as he continued.
"So if I take her to dinner pay and basically treat it as a date then I'll plan another and she can have Amanda off her back and I'll hopefully get the love of my life as a girlfriend." He finished with a huge intake of air. He exhaled as he watched the cogs turn in his sister's head.
"I like it, but I have some additions."

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