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Eric was sure the world was against him. The rush was never ending and he sighed as Kendall tacked another coffee order up on his overhead. 

''How many more?'' He asked the frustration clear in his voice. Kendall winked at him and he rolled his eyes.

''You got somewhere to be?'' She asked as she hopped on the machine next to him and started on the next set of drinks. Eric knew she was teasing and yet couldn't help but smile at the accuracy. 

''I...have a date.'' He blushed at the thought of it and Kendall laughed at his shyness. Kendall called out a few names and the line finally started to die down.

''So you finally told her you love her huh?'' She asked with a smirk. Eric flinched and shook his head as she shot a smile his direction. Her smile faded and she scoffed.

''You putz, why haven't you told her yet?'' She questioned with a hand on her hip. Kendall always managed to feel like an upset mother despite being nine years younger than Eric. 

''Well there were unforeseen circumstances, I had to cancel on her and we rescheduled this morning but this line doesn't want to end.'' He proved his point when the bell went off, he swung around only to find Amelia standing in his doorway. His heart flopped in his chest as she gave him a shy smile. 

''God I love her.'' He sighed as he watched her approach the counter and take her place in line. Kendall smirked and nudged him. 

''Get back to work and you'll get to do more talking then daydreaming.'' She turned and took the counter blazing through the line of teens and office workers vying for their turn to order the caffeine they so badly needed to start or get through the rest of their days. Eric felt pride as the young girl worked the counter like a pro and he made drinks as fast as was possible. He'd always had a sense that the reason she acted so course was because of her hard upbringing and the tough time she'd had before they'd met. 

''Thanks Kendall I couldn't do this without you.'' He stated sincerely. Kendall smirked and punched his shoulder. 

''I know, now go tell that beautiful lady you love her and live happily ever after.'' 

Amelia stepped into the café and her heart beat fast as she made eye contact with Eric behind the counter. He smiled at her and took her breath away, she smiled back and felt her cheeks heat from the mere idea that he cared for her as much as she cared for him. She made her way to a small two person table in the far back corner facing the front door. She sat and smiled as the people milled about outside as if this was not the most nerve wracking, world shattering thing happening in her life. 

''You'll be fine, it's just Eric...'' She took a deep breath and ran her hands through her hair. 

''Who are you kidding, he's the love of your life and you'll most definitely make a fool of yourself.'' She finished as she looked up at the counter and saw Kendall nudge him playfully as he shook his head and laughed. Even from a distance she couldn't take her eyes off of him. He was an amazing person and she couldn't have wished to love a better man. She sighed and rested her chin in her hands as she smiled to herself and indulged in watching him work. She got so caught up in watching him work she didn't notice Kendall nudge him and motion in her direction. He was looking at her now and she blushed in embarrassment. He smiled so beautifully she couldn't help but smile back then he winked and she thought she might die. How was that fair, he could make her faint with a look and she couldn't help but fall deeper in love with him. She laughed as Kendall rolled her eyes from behind him but her lips were tilted up in a smirk. Amelia giggled at the young girls reaction and Eric raised an eyebrow and spun around. Kendall managed to keep a straight face while denying the eyeroll. 

Kendall pushed Eric's shoulder and nudged him toward the table where Amelia sat. Finally as the crowd dissipated he made his way over his palm's sweating and his fingers turned cold. This was it, he finally had her alone and they could see where this left them. He reached her table and she looked up at him with a nervous smile. 

''Would you like to go somewhere more private?'' He asked with a look around at his patrons. Amelia stood and nodded, Eric led the way as they left the shop and headed down the street passing other beautifully colored awnings. Eric led her down the crowded walkway in silence until they came across a small fenced in park. There was a few small two person benches and the small grove was covered in shade by tall oak trees that fanned out making patches of sunlight dance across the grass. Amelia stepped into the grassy clearing and turned around to find Eric rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

''So I have a confession to make...'' He looked up from staring at the grass beneath his feet. Amelia's heart thumped in her chest as she saw his cheeks go pink and he smiled sheepishly.

''I heard you say that you loved me the other day.'' He waited with bated breath and her eyes went wide. Amelia felt her heart stop and she opened her mouth to speak but no sound escaped her. Eric just watched her with expectant eyes. She took a step back and ran a hand through her hair. 

''You heard everything I said?'' She questioned, her voice was tight and she stared at the grass beneath their feet. Eric simply nodded but he smiled and he stuffed his shaky hands in his pockets.

''Did you mean it?'' He watched as she grabbed the ends of her hair with shaky fingers. There was a moment of absolute silence where only the chirping of the birds and the sound of passing cars could be heard. Eric thought his heart might escape from his chest as she stared at him her eyes swimming with unspoken emotions. 

''Yes...I'm in love with you.''

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