Sheila's encounter

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Authors note: this is a really long jumbled chapter, lots of POV changes so yeah enjoy!

Amelia was on cloud nine. The drive home was comfortable as they joked about the movie. She was laughing hard enough she couldn't breathe.
"I'm gonna have abs if you keep that up!" She gasped as she wiped away tears of hilarity.
"Hey I'm just helping you out." Eric laughed. They pulled into her apartment complex and the car got quiet. Amelia shifted in her seat. She pushed her hair behind her ear.
"I had fun." She smiled. Eric knew he was screwed from that moment on. He saw her face light up and her eyes glitter with joy. He wanted nothing more than to put that look on her face everyday for the rest of his life. He climbed out of the car and went to open her door. As he walked her to the gate he felt himself becoming more and more nervous. His hands were clammy and his stomach was in knots. They reached the gate and she turned around and smiled. "This is me." She pushed her hair behind her ear and looked at her shoes. Eric knew it was now or never and he steeled himself with a deep breath. Amelia brought her eyes up to meet his again and he leaned down and kissed her cheek. At least that's what he attempted, fate had other plans as Amelia apparently had the same idea. She tiptoed to kiss his cheek and found his lips instead. A split second of shock rippled through them then Eric buried his hands in her hair and pulled her closer.

Amelia froze, she wanted nothing more than to kiss him back but her mind was in slow motion. Before her brain could react he pulled away. His face was red and his lips were pressed together. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that I overstepped my bounds." His words ran together and he took a few long strides to his car then he was gone. Amelia stood staring at the spot where he had been. She slowly raised a hand to her lips and rubbed them together. The warmth he'd left behind was like nothing she'd ever felt before. Her brain still hadn't noticed his reaction and she grabbed her phone. Sending a very quick text to Sheila simply containing "He kissed me!" Then she ran to her bedroom.

Amelia collapsed on her bed fully dressed and sent her next text after an enthusiastic reply from Sheila. "He apologized and left because I froze." She texted back. She let her phone drop and smack her in the face. She wanted to replay the night over and over again she'd never had so much fun on a date before. She also wanted a redo on that kiss one where she didn't freeze and lose all control of her limbs when his hands were in her hair. She felt her phone buzz against her cheek where it had come to rest after hitting her forehead. Sheila was comforting her and Amelia smiled. She had some of the best friends a girl could ask for. She texted back and forth with Sheila planning for another day so Amelia could redeem herself. Amelia looked at her clock and groaned. She finished up with Sheila and changed then she crashed and had dreams full of deep blue ocean eyes and sweet kisses.

Sheila hurried down the street and took a peek at her watch. Oh she was late, very late. She picked up the pace and managed to get the heavy bag on her shoulder. The tall skyscraper type building came into view and she let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Sheila worked for the local fashion magazine, unfortunately it was a good forty minutes away from her and Amelia's apartment. Sheila pushed through the revolving door and immediately bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" The deep voice that spoke made Sheila look up and she lifted an eyebrow.
"Oh my gosh,  you're Derrick Lawson." She stated her eyes showing unabashed awe. The man in question smiled politley and nodded. His grey eyes looked almost shy.
"Oh I'm late it was nice meeting you!" Sheila called as she raced away. She couldn't believe she had just, quite literally, run into a semi-famous photographer. Sheila hefted the slipping bag and hurried to her meeting. She burst through the door and breathed out heavily.
"So sorry I'm late guys." She apologized as she took her seat. Her boss, Tanika Gray, smirked at her.
"Of course Miss Vice, glad you could join us."
The next person got up to present their layout.

Derrick stared after the woman and smiled. She reminded him of someone, he shook his head and sighed. The meeting was this afternoon and he couldn't be late. It had been so long he felt his stomach turn to knots. He'd talk to her apologize, maybe she wouldn't hate him anymore? He groaned and ruffled his already unruly brown hair. She almost definitely hated him.

Eric was like a zombie. He'd kissed her. He kissed Amelia. He groaned and banged his head against a cabinet in the kitchen. Kendall walked in and she smirked.
"What did you do?" She sing songed. Eric let out another long groan and looked at his coworker.
"I...I kissed her." He felt his cheeks grow hot just from the statement and he squeezed his eyes shut. He immediately regretted it as he saw Amelia frozen in place. Kendall was on the verge of a full meltdown. She was cackling with a few snorts here and there. Eric rolled his eyes.
"Sure let it out, hilarious I just ruined my greatest friendship and possible love life!" He shouted as he threw his hands up exasperattedly. Kendall wiped away a few tears and patted his shoulder.
"I won't say I told you so but...I did." She smirked. Eric crossed his arms and sighed.
"Seriously though, she can't possibly be mad at you for that, go talk to her." Kendall reached up and tugged the bill of his cap down over his eyes.
"Oh and by the way.." she called as she walked away. Eric lifted his cap and turned to watch her head up front.
"Your sister is here." She finished with a salute.
"How long has she been here?" He yelled as his pulse picked up and he yanked off the apron and cap. His worries melted away as he ran up front to greet his sister.

Gizelle Gillespie was Eric's adopted younger sister. Her hair was an almost burnt orange and she had a tall but athletic figure. She had been in Paris for the past six months and had arrived home in the states only the day previous. Eric ran to his sister with a grin on his face.
"GG!" He shouted gleefully. Gizelle rolled her bright green eyes but smiled back.
"I told you not to call me that." She joked as Eric engulfed her in a bear hug. Gizelle hugged him tightly.
"Six months felt so long." She stated as she pulled away from him. Eric nodded his agreement.
"Why didn't you text and tell me you were home?" He chided. Gizelle bit her lip and looked at him sheepishly "I kind of have a favor to ask you."
Eric raised an eyebrow inquistively.
"Oh really, how can I be of service?" He took a deep theatrical bow then crossed his arms awaiting her answer.
"I need a ride to my meeting."
Eric nodded and went to grab Kendall to let her know he was leaving momentarily. Gizelle's voice stopped him mid step as she continued.
"It starts in fifteen minutes."
Eric groaned. He grabbed his keys yelled into the back to let Kendall know she was on her own and gave his sister a glare as he turned around.
"Why didn't you get here sooner, come on I'm parked down the street."
Eric and Gizelle speed walked down the side walk to Eric's car. In his hurry Eric wasn't paying much attention and felt someone small slam right into his chest.

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