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She is the masterpiece of her own world

After Isabelle and Clary talked about a pep talk, which Priscilla successful ruined, she tied up her hair and stood up from the soft bed

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After Isabelle and Clary talked about a pep talk, which Priscilla successful ruined, she tied up her hair and stood up from the soft bed. "Come on let's go", Isabelle said and headed towards the door but then stopped and turned to Clary. "And Simon is kind of nerd hot."

"Let's get out of here, just the two of us", Simon started as soon as they met up with him, clearly talking to Clary. "Simon, you know that we can't just leave Clary", Priscilla replied sarcastically and he rolled his eyes. "We can find Dot ourselves", the brown haired boy added but his best friend interrupted him. "Simon, there are demons out there, actual demons with tentacles that would murder us. Do you know how to kill a demon?" Just in that moment, Isabelle passed the three of them and the tanned girl followed her, to escape the awkward talk of unrequited love.

When the two dark haired girls stood next to each other, something like a bookshelf came out of wall, with weapons in it instead of books. "Impressed?", the Lightwood asked grinning. "Nah, I have two of them at home but for shoes."
"No Izzy." Jace came out of nowhere and slapped Isabelle's hand away, after she started touching the weapons. "50 bucks says he doesn't approve this mission", the dark haired girl replied. "I don't approve this mission. I spoke with the clave. They're sending Seelie scouts to search for Valentine. But they made it clear, the little girl don't leaves the premises", Alec joined the group with a serious expression. Of course Priscilla started liking the tall guy after all of their talks and his gentleness towards her, but he seemed like the buzzkill of the shadowhunters.

"My name is not little girl okay? I don't care what the clave thing or you want, I'm going to find Dot", Clary snapped at him as well. He glared at her. "Alec, this warlock could have the answers we need. With Valentine's people out there searching for Clary, she's not safe outside alone." Bored, the Gordan turned to Simon, who was kind of needless in the conversation. "Simon", the girl smirked, walking some steps towards the boy with the glasses. She could sense him getting nervous around her. With the corner of her eyes, she noticed Alec watching her talk to the mundane. "Yes?", Simon asked shyly. Priscilla grabbed two different lipsticks out of her bra, and showed them to the guy in front of her. "Which one?", she asked seductive, leading the human to stutter. "Can't tell a difference to be honest." Priscilla groaned, facing the MAC lipsticks. "Disappointed but not surprised", she said, rolling her eyes.

Alec, who was still talking to the three shadowhunters, watched the Gordan carefully. He followed every of her moves with his hazel eyes and tried to hear the words that left her mouth. Soon, the girl noticed his stares and turned around to face him. Quickly Alec looked away, pretending to look at the floor. Isabelle smiled widely when she watched her brother. When the male Lightwood looked up, Priscilla stood directly in front of him. "Simon can't tell the difference between Ruby Woo and Russian Red. Which one do you think suites me better?", the girl asked, showing her Lipsticks to the dark haired boy. He laughed slightly, grabbing Ruby Woo. "Take this one." Then, he tried to focus on their current problem but couldn't stop some looks towards the beautiful girl. Isabelle, who watched the whole situation knowing, bumped her elbow playfully into Priscilla's arm. "Do you actually put your lipsticks into your bra?"

Priscilla started listening to the conversation again, reasoned by Clary, touching her necklace

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Priscilla started listening to the conversation again, reasoned by Clary, touching her necklace. "Weirdly I think I know where Dot is." "Great I'll drive", Simon mentioned enthusiastic but the Gordan shook her head. The girl was used to taxis and limousines that picked her up. "Forget it Harry Potter, I will." Jace and Isabelle smirked at her and Simon pressed his eyes together. "I guess you don't have a shadowhunter mobile or something so it turns to me. Or do you own a van?", he asked grinning so Priscilla rolled my eyes. "Try me, Lewis."

"You were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me, right?" Alec smiled sassy, making Priscilla's eyes lighten up. Smiling suited him very well and he should do it more often. "Possibly", the blonde shadowhunter replied. "Wait, am I gonna die?"

"I always thought I'd die fighting against downworlders, turns out I was wrong", Jace said and everybody else in the car nodded agreeing, just because Priscilla crashed a dustbin while driving

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"I always thought I'd die fighting against downworlders, turns out I was wrong", Jace said and everybody else in the car nodded agreeing, just because Priscilla crashed a dustbin while driving. Alec, who sat next to her on the passenger seat starred out of the window but the girl could still saw the amused smile on his lips. "Again, why isn't Simon driving?", Clary questioned, so Simon let out a nervous laugh. "Priscilla threatened me!" "Oh my god", Isabelle shouted as the driver nearly hit a standing car. Finally, they reached the place where Clary expected Dot. The group left the car and followed her fast steps, Alec and Priscilla came in last.

"Dot", the red haired girl muttered and started running. Then she shouted. "Dot!" Whatever she was able to see in her necklace, wasn't good. "Can't we just walk?", the tanned girl muttered, causing only Alec to understand her. "Not good at driving and not good at sports, is there even something you're good at?", he asked jokingly so she bumped her shoulder into his. "Carry me", she pouted and he laughed slightly, making her heart flutter.

"Clary, Clary stop!" Jace caught up with Clary, trying to stop her from running all by herself. "Where are we going?" "Two men, circle members. The same that came into my house, who took my mom. They have Dot. They're gonna hurt her or kill her. We have to stop them", the girl explained before she started to run again. Right into the pandemonium.

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