𝟘𝟛- ✯𝕋𝕣𝕠𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕖✯

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I flew through the ridge, having a firm grip on my sale. I steered left and right zig zagging through rocks, Jim hot on my tale.

"Come on slow poke!"

I looked behind me only to see no one there. I turned my head forward again in confusion, only to come face to face with Jim upside down.

"Who you calling slow?"

I felt my cheeks heat up from how close our faces were, praying to god that he didn't notice. I rolled my eyes as he laughed and flipped over so that he was now beside me.

I raced up towards the sky with Jim "ready?" I narrowed my eyes at the clouds in front of me, as a grin graced my lips"Ready" I responded.

We both dropped our sales as the engines turned off, sending the the two of us falling down, doing all kinds of flips and twists as we tumbled down through the air.


Just before we reached the ground Jim yelled causing me to step on the button turning my engine on and throwing my sale back up. As we both yelled "Yaha!" Our voices echoing through the canyon.

I raced in front of Jim, breaking the board off a restricted area gate, setting the alarms off. Jim following close behind as I maneuvered through different things, I ended up grinding on a pipe (not that way nasties, with your solar surfer). Jim copied my movements as he soon was right next to me, we high fived as we both noticed a big gear that had an opening and then closed as it turned.

I noticed a look on Jim's face, like he wanted to challenge it, I stayed back a bit as he went forward. Once he got close enough I watched him drop his sale as he yelled"Come on!" The gear turned as I gripped my sale harder out of worry.

Next thing you know I hear him yell and laugh on the other side, I smirked a bit.

'Okay, challenge excepted.'

I went full speed at it, timing it correctly, once I was close enough, I dropped my sale as the opening appeared. I jumped off it doing a flip over the gear as my solar surfer flew through the opening, I landed back on it"Woohoo!!" I opened my sale back up only to fly past a socked Jim with a smile on his lips.

I laughed and yelled"Come on!" Jim was quick to catch up as he laughed, he soon ended up next to me, we high fived when the sound of sirens could be heard from directly behind us, causing the two of us to look at each other and roll our eyes.

"Oh great."

'Sarah's not gonna like this'

Once we got to the Dinner the robots ended up slamming the door open, causing me to flinch a bit. "Mrs.Hawkins"

"Jim! (Y/n)!"

She dropped the dishes she was holding as I heard the doctor say"Oo...wrong turn" I glared at him. "Okay, thanks for the lift, guys" Jim said as we shrugged the robots arms off our shoulders as I smiled at them and sent them a peace sign.

"Not so fast"

They grabbed a hold of the two of us again, causing me to roll my eyes. The robot that was holding Jim shoved him forward as the one holding me said"we apprehended your son operating a solar vehicle in a restricted area"

Constellations : Journey to Treasure Planet  | Book 1 |Where stories live. Discover now