𝟙𝟝- ✯𝔼𝕤𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕖✯

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I let go of Morph and turned around to face Jim, he has a hurt look on his face as I mirrored his look, I felt betrayed.

'I trusted him with something personal, turns out it was all just a stupid act!'

Jim didn't say a word, I didn't either as we both enveloped the other in a warm embrace, as if silently telling the other that everything would be okay. Jim broke the hug"Come on, we have to go warn the captain"

Jim climbed out of the barrel, as I followed after him, he grabbed my hand and started to make a run up the steps, when we were stopped by silver at the top.

"Jimbo, (N/n)"

He looked around, and started to walk down the steps, Jim held me protectively behind him"Playing games, are we?" Jim glared at him as Silver backed us up into a table. "Yeah....Yeah, we're playing games"

Silver put a hand on his chin"Oh, I see. Well. I was never much good at games" I widened my eyes as the sound of a click could be heard behind Silver"always hated to lose." Jim held his glare as I narrowed my eyes at him, quickly grabbing my blade out from my pocket"Me too!" I yelled, as I held a firm grip on Jim's hand, running past Silver stabbing him in the mechanical leg.

Me and Jim ran off as I dragged him up the steps and into the captains room, Jim slammed the door shut behind us. Me and Jim quickly explained everything to Amelia as she swung open the cabinet, loading a gun.

"Pirates on my ship? I'll see they all hang."

She tossed the now loaded gun to Doppler"Doctor, familiar with these?" He was quick to catch it as he now held it like a piece of garbage that you despise. "Oh, I've seen..." he then held it up so it pointed in front of him"Well I read..." the gun suddenly went off destroying the globe near Amelia.

"Uh, no. No. No, I'm not"

I glared at him"Ya think?" Jim chuckled a bit as I noticed Morph fly over and start looking at himself through the reflection of the map. "Mr.Hawkins! Defend this with your life." Amelia went to toss it when Morph suddenly grabbed it out of the air.

"Morph! Give me that!" Jim grabbed the map, along with Morph, they played tug of war with it until Morph let go. Jim shoved the sphere in his pocket as Morph floated over to me and rubbed against my cheek, I giggled a bit as Amelia drilled a hole in the floor, giving us a pathway out.

Jim held my hand tight as the 4 of us ran through the tunnel, Morph flying behind us once we made it through a door, Amelia was quick to seal it behind us."To the long boats quickly!" Me and Jim jumped into a boat as Doppler struggled to get in.

Amelia flipped a switch, opening the bottom of the ship, she ran over to us and hopped in the long boat, grabbing her gun from Doppler. Jim looked over the edge as I noticed Morph taking the map out of his pocket"Morph!" I yelled and tried to grab him.

Jim was quick to turn around"Morph! No!" Morph ended up flying around the two of us before flying over to the platform, I was quick to jump after him, Jim following close behind. I tried to catch Morph, but I missed as he flew off, the metal door broke off, making me widen my eyes.

Me and Jim chased after Morph, as he flew all around us, we both kept reaching out for him, he flew right between us. Just as I was about to grab him he flew away causing the two of us to collide into each other, I fell on top of Jim as he held my waist, my hands on both sides of his head as we breathed heavily.

A blush coated my cheeks, slightly forgetting about the map when I heard whistling and someone calling for Morph. I was quick to get up and run over"Morph! Here Morph!" I smiled at him as Jim came over and started calling to him.

Morph, I guess, got to stressed as he decided to hide in a basket, Silver tried to make his way to it but fell, as I walked over, glaring down at his struggling form, I took the map, grabbing Jim's hand, and ran.

The two of us jumped into the long boat, I made it inside, and looked around for Jim, only to see him hanging of the edge. "Jim!" I was quick to help Doppler with Jim while Amelia got the boat up and running. "Parameters met. Hydraulics engaged"

I sat in the front of the boat as we took off"Captain! Laser ball at 12 o'clock!" I gasped and turned around, only to see a giant flaming ball hit the sail, sending us flying down towards the ground.

Once we landed I helped Jim lift the boat off us, he rubbed the back of his neck"Ow" Doppler fixed his glasses"Oh, my goodness" I sighed and held my head for a minute. Everything just happened so fast, I don't even know what to process first. Doppler got up"that was more fun than I ever want to have again" Amelia chuckled as she got up"That's not one of my gossamer landings"

Jim stood up and lent a hand out for me, which I took as he help me up. Jim gave me a concerned look and asked"you okay?" I nodded my head slightly and sighed sending him a small smile "Y-Yeah, I'm...I'm alright" he let out a little sigh and pulled me into a hug. I stood there surprised a bit, as I slowly started to hug him back.

The captain then fell to her feet "Captain!" Doppler yelled as me and Jim broke the hug and rushed over to help her up "oh, don't fuss." Me and Jim let go of her.

She fell back into Doppler as he gasped we helped her stand up straight"Slight bruising. That's all." She fixed her hair"Cup of tea, and I'll be right as rain" she turned her head to Doppler"Ms.(L/n)" I watched her narrow her eyes at Doppler confused but then turning her head to me and sticking her hand out."The map, if you please"

I was quick to take it out of my pocket, but as soon as I did, it floated up in the air and turned into the pink blob of goo. "Morph!" Jim yelled as I asked"Morph where's the map?!" Morph then created a demonstration of the map being put inside a pile of rope. Jim clenched his fists in anger"Are you serious? It's back on the ship?!" As he pointed up towards the ship Morph giggled and flew around the two of us.

Jim tried to catch Morph as Captain Amelia looked up and said"Stifle that blob and get low." The three of us looked over at her as Jim finally caught Morph.

"We've got company"

The four of us hid behind the boat as the boat above us flew past. Amelia looked over to see if the coast was clear and stood up using the gun for support. "We need a more defensible position"

She then handed Jim a gun"Mr.Hawkins, take Ms.(L/n) and scout ahead." Jim took the gun"Aye Captain" he stuck the gun in between the back of his belt as Captain Amelia fell, Doppler caught her. Jim grabbed my hand and walked off, with Morph trailing next to us.

Constellations : Journey to Treasure Planet  | Book 1 |Where stories live. Discover now