𝟚𝟙- ✯ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥✯

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Once we got back, Jim was quick to run over to Doppler as he dragged me along"Doc! Doc, wake up! We got the map!" Out of the shadows came Silver as his robotic hand grabbed the map out of Jim's.

"Fine work Jimbo, and (N/n)."

I held a glare on him as Jim's eyes widened"Fine work indeed." He continued as me and Jim both shot our heads over to the side, only to see Captain Amelia and Doppler being held back by pirates, clothes around there mouths to prevent them from talking.

The both struggled to get out of the Pirates grips. Pirates started to surround me and Jim"thanks for showing us the way in." The two of us suddenly broke into a run, Jim was quick to get caught, I maneuvered my way through the pirates, as they all tried desperately to grab me.

Three pirates suddenly came after me, I started to fight them off, only to receive a punch in the face, causing me to fly backwards a bit, giving them a chance to grab me, which they did not take lightly.

I glared at all of them as my arms were twisted behind my back, a dagger dug into my side. I tried to get out of the hold, only for the dagger to dig further into my side.

I notice Jim staring at me desperately as he tried to get out of the pirates grasp, Morph quickly flying into Jim's pocket. My head then shot over to B.E.N as a pirate got ahold of him"What's this Sorry sack of metal?" The pirate held up a knife to B.E.N's neck as he yelled"Not the face!"

"You two are just like me."

Silver said as he walked over to me and Jim, I struggled more and glared at him, only to wince from the pain of the dagger breaking skin.

Silver leaned in real close to our faces with a smirk"You hate to lose" Silver chuckled and stood back up as he tried to open the map, he struggled for a good minute or so before looking at me and Jim.

The two of us looked at each other, a smirk on our faces, I chuckled as Jim just silently shook his head. Silver shoved the map in front of Jim"open it."

Jim glared at him as Silver roughly put it in Jim's hands. Jim stood there glaring at Silver for a moment until Silver changed his hand into a gun, pointing it as my head.

"I'd get busy."

Jim gave me a sympathetic look as I shook my head 'no' he quickly turned his head back around and glared at Silver as he unlocked the map.

As soon as the map opened, a bunch of 'oo's and 'aa's could be heard as Silver said"Oh, the powers at bay, would ya look?" The map made a green line to follow as it went out the opening, causing Silver to run over to it.

He laughed but soon said"Tie'em up, and leave'em with the others. So we-" suddenly the green line disappeared as Jim closed the map"what-" Silver turned around only to see Jim closing the map.

Jim blandly said"You want the map? Your takin' me too." Silver held a glare for a moment, then let out a chuckle as it turned into a slight smile, only to be replaced by a smirk.

"We'll take'em all"

We all sat on a boat, following the green line to the treasure. Me and Jim sat in the front with Silver, Jim's arm wrapped around my waist, as he let me hold the map. My head wrested on his shoulder as he looked out ahead of him, watching where the line was.

Once we got to a point where the boat wouldn't fit, everyone got off of it, except for Doppler, Amelia and one pirate.

As we walked, Morph peaked out of Jim's pocket as he made worried noises. He pat Morphs head"It's okay Morph. It's okay." Mostly saying the last part to himself.

He stared at the map in his hand, as I grabbed his free one, looking over at him worriedly. He looked over to my (e/c) eyes, no words had to be said to know just what the other was saying.

'everything is going to be okay'

B.E.N was quick to come up behind us. Jim was the first to break his gaze, as he looked forward, pulling me a bit closer to him. B.E.N's voice broke through the comfortable silence behind us.

"Jimmy, (Y/n), I-I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to see my life pass in front of my eyes" he came up next to me as he grabbed his head"at least I think it's my life" he shook his head a bit, now grabbing our attention as we both looked over to him.

"Was I ever dancing with an android named Lupe?!"

B.E.N suddenly yelled making me jump in surprise a bit as he yelled in my ear. Jim widened his eyes and was quick to quiet him down"Ben, Shh" Jim put a finger to his lips, telling B.E.N to be quiet.

"This isn't over yet."

I nodded my head in agreement as I stared at the hobbling cyborg in front of me. Silver suddenly stopped as he looked up at the line, it started flashing brighter as he said"We're gettin' close, lads" his robotic hand turned into a sword as he stuck it in the air"I smell treasure a-waitin"

The pirates all laughed, as did Silver, who was quick to grab Jim's shirt dragging him along. Jim let go of my hand as he desperately tried to remove his shirt from Silver's grasp. A pirate ended up shoving me forward I sent a glare to the pirate behind me as I followed after Jim who was being dragged off by a determined Silver.

Using his robotic arm, he was quick to shop the fungus in front of us only for the line to end at the edge of a cliff.

There was nothing.

Constellations : Journey to Treasure Planet  | Book 1 |Where stories live. Discover now