Chapter 10

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I patiently wait for Ryder to start explaining. I will give him a little slack since he seems to be in a state of decisions on how to explain all this shit to me. He finally sighs and looks into my green eyes.

"I honestly don't know where to start, but when I finish I will answer any questions you have about myself or the situation you are going to be brought in. So, first of all I am a werewolf. I know everyone thinks we are fake, but we aren't. We are the only mystical creatures on earth. The vampires and witches and warlocks and everything else you can think of never existed, ever. Werewolves always lived in peace until a fatal night occurred. For the sake of you I will only tell you that-" I cut him off because he struck an interest with this werewolf junk.

"I don't want you to spare me anything. Whatever you have to say then say it. I will ask the rest of the questions when you finish." Ryder looked surprised at my interruption and that's when I realized what he could do to me.

I beg "Ryder please don't do anything bad. I'll go through your beating and I wi-" This time he cut me off, but with a growl. I knew he is mad at me.

"I really got to beat up those son of a bitches and bastards for putting those thoughts in your head. Rosa I promise to not hurt you. Whatever you do, within reason, I will forgive you and shower you with love." He exclaimed this with so much passion I thought that I would faint. I looked into his brown eyes and saw the softness and caring in them. I sigh and wait for him to continue with the tale.

"Anyway what happened was many years ago the ancestors of all the wolf packs come together once a year to deal with any issues dealing with the packs. One of the tribes, the Redheart Pack, stated that my tribe, the Moonlight Pack, killed one of their own kind. We knew of no such thing and since there was no evidence the case was ended with that we didn't do anything. The leader of the Redheart Pack, Nile Rooth, was a very selfish man and thought of the growth of his own pack. He declared a war between the two packs and mine obviously won. Everyone heated Nile and wished he was gone. Whoever was from Nile's pack and came to ours we accepted with open arms. The only person to fight with him was his son. Neither of them survived and it lasted for about 2 minutes until they gave up. We agreed that it was for the best and went on with our daily lives. Although some say that other tribes are starting to have the same mind as Nile once had. I say it's all just rumors, but I am still extra careful for the ones in my pack and especially the one who has my heart." He takes his hand and lifts it up to my face as he smiles sweetly. I look down as a blush arises from my cheeks at him still being so kind to someone like me who lives on the streets.

He continue "Everything is still fine and I guess I should explain more. So, I am the alpha of the Moonlight Pack. My father willingly handed it down to me on my eighteenth birthday. Every girl came to me after the ceremony. None of them were my mate though. I never had a relationship with anyone in my life. I couldn't face the fact that they weren't my mate and I would of probably broken her heart with going out with someone else. Although when you meet your mate the female goes through something called heat. When they go through heat the girl gives off the most delicious smell their mate could think of. When others smell it they are disgusted by it. It is a way for the mates to fully bond to each other. The pack will run 5 miles away and if they even take an inch within the 5 miles they would be disgusted and most likely throw up. The pack would stay away for 1 to 2 weeks depending on the mating couple. I had to face this so many times that I recognize the signs a few days before and plan the pack to leave except for the couple. I have been dreaming for my mate to go into heat because that would be the most intimate and important time for any mating couple to experience with each other. That's all I can think of so fire the questions."

"Is there a lot of people in your pack?"

"Oh yeah, I have about 1300 people in my pack. Almost everyone has their mate except a few hundred people and most of them are children." Geez that's a lot of people.

"Is anyone in the pack a slut or whore?" I have no idea why I'm curious. I guess I just want to be prepared when they say the most truthful and cruelest thing they could say.

"Yeah there is one big one, but we have been working secretly to get her to find her mate. Let me know if she bothers you." I still don't know why he would ever care about me. I'm nothing important to him. I'm not important to anyone. I think of something quickly to ask to get rid of his thoughts of ever trying to take care with me.

"What's a mate?" I have never heard anyone use that term before in my life. Not even in the books I read when I was in the basement. I felt myself going back into the past and willed myself to stay in the present. He would stray from the topic and I would never get the information that I desperately needed.

"A mate is your soul mate. It's that one person in the world who means something special to you. No one would ever dream of rejecting their mate. The way to spot your mate is different for each person. It can differ from smelling a delicious scent to looking them in the eye or touching them and sometimes it's both. It really depends on how strong their connection is and if they had any past encounters with each others. Since I am alpha it is incredibly easier to find my mate. It's also easier for my second and third in command, which is my beta and gamma." Everything makes sense except one thing.

"If you're so concerned about your mate then why are you wasting your time with someone as ugly and hideous being like me?"

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