Chapter 16

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Nicole looked at me with an unreadable expression. Finally she sighed and began to speak.

"I don't really know where to start, but I know it will end the same way. I guess it started when I turned three. That's when I actually came to reality of a lot of things. Like the first thing is my parents are heartless. They alway wanted money and wealth. They never cared for anyone else except themselves. Sometimes they didn't even care about each other because of the wealth that was available. When they had me they told me, and I quote, 'You are to be used as a servant and will make us money. Disobey and you will be punished bitch.' They didn't tell me that until they knew I understood what they are talking about." Oh my gosh. I can't even imagine something like that. My parents have been cruel since day one, but if you are suddenly told you are to be used for money. That's just harsh. I look at her in disbelief, but all I saw was truth in her eyes. My eyes bulge at how much worse this is gonna get.

"So, after that they used me as a servant for years. No one knew about any of this because my parents lived in a cottage at least 6 miles away. That is way out of ear range as a werewolf unless you count the mind link. Anyway, they kept me in the attic because there was no heater or air conditioning and I got to either freeze or sweat from the heat. If they wanted to punish me they would get a whip and take my shirt off so that they could hurt me on my bare skin. It took me about 10 tries to learn what not to do. After that they just starved me, but I was able to sneak into meals after a while and was able to keep a healthy weight. As life continued my parents invited people to see my services. I was brought into strangers houses and all the money went to my parents. One time I was almost raped by a perverted 50 year old man who had a sick obsession with me. He led me to his room saying that he needed me to clean up a mess. As I leaned over to dust off the counter he grabbed my ass in both hand and gave it a squeeze and said 'I'm paying some good money for you so you better be good in bed.' I was terrified and in my state of adrenaline I turned around and punched him in the face. I was able to make him dizzy for a few seconds, but that was all that I needed. I rushed out of the house and ran back to mine. When I got home I guess the guy reported me to my parents and told them he wasn't paying. They took me to the basement and grabbed a whip. They told me that they lost 20,000 dollars because of me so they said they would whip me for half of that since they were so kind. I still have nightmares of going into the darkness and waking up to them still whipping me. After that day I was sore for weeks, but I couldn't show any weakness otherwise they would slap me to make the pain unbearable." I stared with my mouth agape at the horrible truth. Although my parents were cruel no one has ever tried to rape me, mostly because I was so ugly to be messed around with.

"They were spoiled brats and I despised them for that. Everyday the hate grew into something so enormous that I exploded." She stopped like she was debating how to tell me something. I looked at her curiously at what she is debating about. Finally, she sighs and continues to tell me her life.

"I guess there is no way to get around this bush. One day when I was 13 years old, they asked me to go cook food, but I guess they thought it was disgusting. They threw the plate at my head, missing me by an inch, and telling me I was useless and to start over. I don't know why that made me snap, but it did. The anger consumed me and I changed into my wolf for the very first time. I would have been scared accept that the rage was so enormous that it felt like there was no fear at all. I ripped my parents throats out as they were in the middle of transforming. I wrecked everything from top to bottom. To this day it still amazes me on how the house stood for so long. I don't know what my parents were mind linking or to who, but a few minutes later Ryder came racing into the doorway. One look around explain at least 1/4 of the truth. The other 3/4 of the truth I had to explain. I explained how this started when I was just 3 and the years of servitude that I had to indulge with their cruel ways. I even told him how I was almost raped. After I explained everything we both vowed not to tell a soul without both of our consents, unless I met my mate I could tell him everything. I guess I fell for the guy who saved me, but I was to foolish to realize my heart belongs to someone else, I just don't know him yet. I'm really sorry for everything that has happened. I never meant for any of this, I was just used." I understood a lot, but I still don't know something.

"No offense, but how did you turn into a raging bitch if you knew what you were doing?" She laughed and I giggled a little at my outrageous statement.

"I guess I wanted people to care about me and the only way I knew how was to become popular. I realized that it came with a price. I lost all my dignity and became someone heartless that wanted to be loved." Tears start to fall from her eyes and all I could do was stare at her." I was so stupid! How couldn't I see that no one really cared for me, but were using me for the same thing, popularity." She cried harder and I did something that I have never done before.

I hugged her. 

I never hugged anyone because there was no one to care for. Sure Ryder hugged me a couple of times, but I never made the first move. She wrapped her arms around me as she cried her heart out. I couldn't help, but feel sorry for her. Even my life wasn't that bad. Sure I was starved and kicked out, but to know that your parents suddenly turned on you out of no where is extremely cruel. 

After she cried her heart out she looked up at me with sad eyes. I looked at her and took a big step that no one has ever seen me do. I said,"Someone does care about you and that's mean. Will you be my friend?" I waited for her answer, but all she did was stare at me with confused eyes.

"Aren't you mad by the way we first met. I was such a bitch towards you and you did nothing to retaliate. Isn't the term you have to 'fight fire with fire.'" I stared at her and laughed a little by the saying.

"All that causes is a bigger mess to clean up. You have to find something to kill the fire and that's water. Your tears is a great thing to kill the fire." We both laughed at this and when we finally calmed down she spoke the answer that I have wanted to hear for so long, but was so shut in to hear.


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