Chapter 10

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My Aratani


The little girl drag the crayon in her hand across the paper, adding finishing touches in her childish drawing. She smiles as she drops the crayon on the table and holds up the paper to get a better view of it, she stands up from the place she been sitting as she skips away to the living room. But halfway down the stairs, she stops as she could hear her parent's voices. Her smile only grew bigger as her excitement crawled up her skins in hopes of gifting the drawing to both of her hardworking parents.

She jumps off the last few steps as she was about to enter the living room but stops when her dad began shouting, it made the girl flinch in fear as she steps back.

"Don't fucking lie to me, Katzuna! Since the last time I bought you back to Osaka you were out all day, leaving me and Kana at home waiting for you! It's obvious you're with that guy again!" Her dad's tired, angry and frustrated voice yells out. Ever single time his voice raises, the 4 years old girl would flinch and her feet would shake in fear.

"What else do you want me say?! I told you I was out with my friends, but you wouldn't even believe me!" She shouts back, making the little girl flinch even more as tears flooded her eyes. She couldn't even fully understand what they were arguing about as she looks down at her small little drawing. There's 3 people, her parents and her in the middle with the a little house behind them like a happy family. The second her dad begins to shout again, she didn't want to heat anymore of it.

She was about to turn on her heels but the shoji doors of the living room slides open to reveal her father, his angered feature immediately washed away into a saddened one as his eyes laid on the little girl's teary red ones. Before her dad could say anything, she drops the paper in her hand as she runs up the stairs and slams her door, locking it. The little girl pulls her study table as she blocks the door from anyone entering as tears already stained her dress and her cheeks.

Her parents never really argued like this before, sure they have a little misunderstanding but they get along with each other right after. The small girl walks to her window as she looks out the night sky, the moon in its crescent shape. The stars are glimmering and blinking down at her, she couldn't help as she burst out in tears. Choking and sniffling as her own voice gets caught in her throat, little by little she drops to her knees and eventually lied down on the floor as exhaustion took her over — her lids grew heavy and cried herself to sleep.

It's been a few weeks after that, her mother had let the girl out to be in park. She had refused to talk and even eat, she would only drink but it wasn't even enough as her lips became dry and her body becoming skinny under the beautiful dresses she would wear. She sit quietly on the swings as she stare down at her shoes, the shouting of her parents suddenly coming back to her as her eyes widened in fear. She holds her head as she shuts her eyes tightly, trying to make it go away.

"Kana!" A familiar voice calls out, she looks up to see Ava running towards her. She have bandages all over her feet and even her face. Kana couldn't help but smile softly upon the other girl, Ava sits down beside her on the swings as the two talk away like there was no tomorrow. Laughing and giggles like girls crushing on a boy. Ava suddenly had the idea as she swings quickly on the swing, jumping off but tripping as she falls on her face. Kana gasps as she jumps off her own swing due to how short she is and running towards her friend.

"Ava-Chan are you okay?" She asks, her voice laced with worry. Ava sits up as her eyes tears up a bit, Kana's eyes widened as she saw herself crying in Ava. For a split second it caused her fear but she quickly shook it away.

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