Chapter 43

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Word count: 6539


Deidre observed the jogger running past her house, reminding of how easy it had been just months ago, how easily everything had started. And she saw herself in that jogger, remembering how refreshing it had been to clear her head for a couple of minutes even, to not be surrounded by dreadful events or the hint of fear that was now filling her entire being.

And she was brought back to the day they had arrived in this town, how happy her family had been and the joyous hopes she had had for the future, not having to worry about anything bad in the world. There was no Bruce, no horrible mother or even Thomas. It had only been her family and it had been wonderful.

She did not regret anything having to do with Thomas, thinking this was the way it was supposed to be. And she could not even blame him, rather seeing him as the solution for it all. Instead, she blamed herself. She did not blame Bruce, her parents, Thomas or even Robert, but she blamed herself. Deidre thought that if she had not arrived in this town then none of it would have happened and everything would be okay.

Nevertheless, she was unable to imagine the life she had led before. All the memories of her life, the life she led before were replaced with new ones and she could not remember a thing before her new friends, her new life. Even with all the horrid events, this pack had brought her such joy and wonderful friends that she was unable to imagine a life without it.

And she was grateful for this pack, all it had brought her.

Even if it had destroyed her family, had her father commit suicide, her mother turn insane and her reckless. Deidre could not care about anything other than her new life, seeing it as the most beautiful part of her life, with all the downfalls and crashes.

"Princess, are you ready?" Thomas' voice cut through the room.

"I don't think I ever will be," she confessed. "I'm not ready, Thomas, and I also am. It doesn't make sense, but it does in my mind. God, I am so scared. I am scared of it all, of what will happen to us and if we don't leave."

Thomas walked to her, bending down in front of her and entwining their hands. "Deidre, we don't have a choice. I know you may not want to hear it, considering that we watched the ambulance drive your father away an hour ago, but he would have wanted this. Deidre, he wanted us to leave. This is why he did it, so you and I could create a life without this goddamn town. Let's grant his wish and leave this all behind. This pack has done enough and I will not have it ruin anymore for us."

Deidre looked at their joined fingers, smiling to herself. "I don't hate this town. I'm grateful for it. I am so fucking grateful, Thomas. I cannot be mad at it, feel hatred because I am filled with gratefulness. I am grateful because it brought me you. It brought me you."

Thomas pulled her fingers to his mouth, kissing each one. "I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered, cupping his cheek. "Did you pack everything we need and not too much? Is everything ready?"

Thomas nodded, bringing her up from the chair and holding her close. "Robert has the car ready for us two blocks away. It's time, Princess. Is there anything else you want?"

"No, I have all I need," she said, hearing the front door open from downstairs. "I have to say goodbye to my mom. Wait for me outside."

Thomas shook his head out of instinct, not removing his hold. "No! Absolutely not! I will be here with you. I am not leaving you alone with this woman!"

Deidre brought her hands to his chest, spreading her fingers on his chest, right where his heart was resting. "She is still my mom. Do me this final favour and for the rest of our life, I won't ask you for anything else. I have to say goodbye and I need to do it alone. Please. I already lost my dad and I didn't get to say a proper goodbye, so let me do this for me."

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