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(The picture above is the shape/kind of bodysuit she is wearing.)


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THE CAPITOL WAS BEING GENEROUS. All the tributes had gotten much better living quarters and training rooms than when we played in our annual Hunger Games. This Quarter Quell was being treated like the queen of all the Hunger Games. They were manipulating us; They were giving us absolute luxury before the violent games began.

The room was unnecessarily humongous, and I felt small as I stood in the huge room covered in gold that was reserved for me. I looked around as Flynn, my stylist, was doing some finishing touches on my outfit. He was poking needles im certain areas, which poked me slightly, but I didn't mind.

"Now, the wings," Flynn smiled cheekily, picking up the gold wings off of the bed. They were huge, probably around the same height as me, or a little shorter, and were coated in shiny gold. He looked more excited than I was.

Every district had to dress according to what their district stood for.

District 6: Transportation. So, we did wings.

I felt Flynn's hands moving around as he fiddled with the giant wings. The fiddling decreased slowly, until it completely stopped. I felt Flynn walk over to stand in front of me, as he grabbed my shoulders, "You look unreal."

He used the grip on my shoulders to slowly turn me around towards the mirror. I diverted my eyes from the big room I was still in disbelief about, and stared at myself in the big mirror that took up the whole wall.

I was wearing a see through, white, skin-tight body suit. It was short sleeved and a turtle neck, and the body suit only went down to the middle of my thigh, like shorts. It was like a swimming body suit, but even more skin-tight and only go down half way on my thigh. A white zipper went from the bottom of my chest to the very top of my neck. The beautiful golden floral print that coated the see through white body suit covered up what needed to be covered, and added a pop of color. It was all over the suit.

The golden floral print matched the wings perfectly, and contrasted with the grey smokey eyeshadow Flynn had done really well. It was simple, and dark, which looked good with the white and gold outfit. I loved the golden high-heals and how well they tied everything together... But I felt exposed. Almost... Naked. My legs were out, and my figure was really defined with how clear the white material was.

Although I felt a bit out of place trying to look so extravagant when I was literally about to die, I felt pretty, "I— Uh... Woah."

Flynn clapped out of excitement. I hadn't seen him since I was 13, and I wondered if he believed what the capitol said. Whether he did or didn't was not important, all that did matter was that he was my stylist again, and he was one of the best.

I chuckled at myself in disbelief as I stared into the mirror. I was staring at my face... I looked the most beautiful I'd ever looked for the first time in 9 years. But something entering from the door made me divert my eyes to the giant wooden opening door.

Trapped, Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now