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IT WAS THE 2ND DAY OF TRAINING, and I was getting exhausted of having to throw all those knives after only one day

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IT WAS THE 2ND DAY OF TRAINING, and I was getting exhausted of having to throw all those knives after only one day. I was tired of practicing with the same weapon, so I walked over to the equipment booth. Riffian grabbed a sword from the booth and gave it to me, "Try it."

I stared at the sword and gently placed my hand onto the handle. I shot it up and stared at the big blade. I could see myself in the reflection of the sword. My hair was tied up in a ponytail that was a little bit higher than I preferred, but the little baby hairs popping out gave it a messier vibe. My under eye bags were darker than usual, and my training suit that showed my shoulders and arms showed off how frail I looked.

I looked terrible.

I moved the sword side to side, trying to remember the stuff Riff taught me when he was my mentor. I slung the sword in the simple ways I knew I could. I stopped flinging it around and stared at it again. Riffian nodded and grabbed it from my hand and put it back on the booth, "You need to try something you're weak at... Like a challenge."

I inhaled slowly and put myself in thought. I hated to sound cocky, but there wasn't much in the games I wasn't good at. But Finnick's voice behind me thought otherwise, "Fighting."

I turned around sharply and furrowed my eyebrows as I scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"I doubt someone so...," he paused and looked my up and down, "frail could kill with a punch."

Riffian laughed softly behind me, and it was probably because he knew Finnick was wrong. I laughed and stared at Finnick, "Did you watch me win my games?"

"Yes, I did," he walked around me in a circle, looking at me up and down as he did so, "Your punches were weak."

I opened my mouth in offense and turned to face him. Riffian laughed again, "Man, you don't know what you're talking about."

"Combat is my area of expertise, trust me," he cockily smirked as an idea hit me. I clenched my fist and stared at him a little longer. His big smirk was encouraging me to punch him even more. I quickly brought my fist up and attempted to punch him as a sneak attack, but right before I could hit his face, he put his hand defensive in front of his face, causing me to punch his hand.

I furrowed my eyebrows and used my other fist to try to sneak another attack on his face, but he ducked down, causing me to punch the air. I brought out my foot to kick him but he jumped so I kicked the air again. I could hear Riffian's soft laughs as Finnick smirked even wider, "You're too predictable, Gold."

I inhaled in frustration, "Stop calling me that."

"You taught me to throw knives," he smiled and turned around. Riffian and I furrowed our eyebrows and walked behind him, following his lead. He walked to the very left of the training center and pointed to a punching bag that was red, "I'll teach you to fight."

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