Eighteen : Captured

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Wei Zhan walked towards the room which he was directed. He kept on wondering why Yibo wanted to meet him privately.

“ Is he still upset with me? Will he be scolding me again?Let it be anything . I really wanted to apologise for for my words. I shouldn’t have hurt him. He might be feeling low.What if we drift apart from each other?” Zhan’s heart twitched in pain at the thought of Yibo leaving him.

"I can’t imagine a life without Er gege. I should make things right between us."

Wei Zhan walked for a minute and reached the room. He took out the access card and opened the room. It was dark inside and Zhan felt it bit strange. He walked a few steps inside and called out.

“Yibo....where are you?” Suddenly the door  behind him closed with a small clap. Wei Zhan turned around and saw someone standing behind his dark.



Lan Yibo felt restless and excused himself from the acquaintance. Lan Xichen went up to his panicked brother.

“Bo Di, is something wrong?” He enquired.

“Ge, Zhan is missing!” Yibo tried his best to keep his calm.

“Yes, he is missing. I saw a man approaching him with a note. It’s been a few minutes and Zhan has not returned.”

“Do you think it’s one of his clients? Maybe they went for a business deal.” Lan Xichen reasoned.

“But ge, just look around. Everyone is assembled here. Who would want to talk with Zhan privately?”

Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan noticed the tension between the Lan brothers.

“What’s the matter?” asked Jiang Cheng. The Lans looked at each other with troubled eyes. They knew Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan was a bit overprotective about Wei Zhan. They were hesitant to reveal Zhan's disappearance.

Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan could feel a strange atmosphere. They again enquired as they became restless “ Is there a problem?” Jin Zixuan was interfered by a tensed Xiao Xing Chen and Xue Yang.

“Yibo, why didn’t you restrict Zhan from attending the party? I saw him entering the venue but now I can’t find him anywhere.” Xiao Xing Chen informed them.

Jiang Cheng turned towards Yibo and raised his voice “Lan Yibo, where is my brother? What happened to him?”

Lan Yibo sighed and explained the incident between them to the others.
“I tried my best to restrict him but he was too stubborn and came over.” Yibo then informed about the disappearance.

“This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t cold shouldered him.” Jin Zixuan glared at him.

Xue Yang asked in panic, “ I am having a bad feeling. Is Zhan really safe?”

Lan Yibo became more restless and sputtered out “He was really weak and dull. I don’t know whether he fainted somewhere?”

“ We need to find Zhan at the earliest” Lan Xichen replied in a panic.

“Yes, we don’t have time to waste.” Jiang Cheng said as he heard Lan Xichen.

“Then you guys go to the service room. We can’t cause a commotion here. Me and Xue Yang will keep here under control and join you guys later.” Xiao Xing Chen spoke and the rest rushed for the service room.



“Hey Yibo, is that you........” As Wei Zhan spoke, he felt someone gag his mouth and bound his hands. He was dragged forcefully and pushed onto the couch. He winced at the sudden attack.

“Ouch......What the hell is happening to me?. This is not my Yibo. Who is this guy and what is he up to? The  man straddled his waist and leaned forward.

Wei Zhan could feel his breath fanning his face. He struggled to break free.

“ OMG....I feel so nauseous. Is he really gonna do me? Oh no, I can’t let this happen. I should have listened to Yibo. What am I supposed to do now?” Wei Zhan was engulfed by fear and struggled more.



Lan Yibo and the others reached the service room. Yibo slammed the door and stormed inside. Lan Xichen came behind Yibo and informed the security about the incident.

“We need the camera footage.”

“Sure. Sir, should we call the cops?”The security interrogated.

“No, it  will draw attention. Hurry up and show the footage .” Yibo replied hastly.

They saw Wei Zhan walking through the corridors in search of a room. A man followed him which was unnoticed by Zhan. He enters Room No.301 and the man went inside closing the man behind him. Lan Yibo fumed in anger and panic as he saw the clip.

“Quick, give the spare to room 301.”

Yibo snatched the spare access and dashed towards Wei Zhan. Everyone followed behind him. Suddenly Jin Zixuan stopped his tracks.

“I guess it’s safe to inform the cops now. I will call one of my friend who is an inspector. He will handle it meticulously.”

Lan Yibo nodded in agreement and ran in search of room No.301. On the way he met with Xue Yang and Xiao Xing Chen and they joined them.

Be safe Zhan and wait for me. I am coming for you.”



Wei Zhan continued to struggle free from the stranger. Soon he felt a hand roamed through his body. He suddenly developed an aversion towards the touch.

“I hate this. Every touch of this man is disgusting me. I only want my Yibo to touch me. I am only his.”

The man slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slid his hands around his back, burying his face  in the crook of Zhan’s neck. Tears rolled down Wei Zhan’s eyes as he found the man sucking the skin at the neck.

Why am I so unfortunate? Why do fate always play crooked tricks on me? I hate this feeling. This is not how I feel when my Yibo touch me. Every touch of Yibo evokes a sense of security and passion while this touch is giving me insecurity and disgust. Wei Zhan flocked his leg and tried to wriggle the person of his body.



Hope you liked the chapter and kindly ignore any grammatical errors.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!

Thank you for reading n please vote this update if you have enjoyed.

Stay safe 😊

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