The Beginning

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"I'm so God damn bored." "You get me." This class has been going on for way too long. It's only been 10 minutes. I rest my head on the table and block out the teacher who seems to be choking on oxygen everytime he opens his mouth. I mean, if it's possible to choke on oxygen. 10 minutes in biology with your best friend sounds great right? Wrong. Not when she has a brain and the only thing you're good at is Mario Kart. And copying your best friends notes.

There's a loud thud that comes from the front of the classroom. I can't be bothered to look up so I don't. That's when a girl says, "um so I don't think the teacher should've came in today" half nervous laughing. To be honest, she sounds worried. I look up and see no teacher but all the students huddled at the front of the classroom. Even my best friend is gone. I don't want to go but do anyway.

Remember that teacher I mentioned earlier? The one that was choking on oxygen? Well it looked like oxygen won. The teacher lies very still. His skin is grey and his chest isn't moving. I lean forward. A girl grabs hold of the back of my jacket. "I'm only checking if he has a pulse." I place my index and middle finger on his neck. His skin is cold and dry. No beating. He's definitely dead. Everyone knew that anyway but you can never be too sure. He could've still been alive. He could've pulled a prank but I hardly doubt that, especially from this teacher.

Another girl begins to poke him with her pen. Her friends tells her to stop but she doesn't listen and carries on. The nervous laughing girl leaves the room and tells us she's getting the principal and we should all stay here. As soon as she leaves, the class begins to whisper among themselves, clearly worried about the consequence of having a dead body within the same room as you. Stupid idiots. Especially as we didn't kill him, even though it seemed really tempting.

His eye lid twitches. "I saw his eye lid just move" I say grabbing on to my best friend's arm. She pushes me off "don't be stupid." Everyone else turns to look at me. "I'm not insane. I saw it move. I swear I did." That's when his hand twitches. Then his arm. His one arm moving ferociously. He hits the leg of a table repeatedly. The hand becomes red and wounded and blood has begun to leak from his once living hand. I turn round to everyone, "Ha! Told you I was right but none of you listened to me!"

He stops. Sits up. Turns towards the girl who was closest to him. The girl who kept jabbing her pen into him. He grabs her wrist and bites into it causing her to scream.  People begin to run out of the room, screaming and crying, calling out for friends and for help. I stand there watching. It's awful but oddly interesting as I watch him take her whole arm off. I try and grab my best friend's hand but she pushes me out of the way and goes to help the now one armed girl. The cannibal turns round and looks at my best friend. His eyes full of hunger. As she is helping the girl, he takes a bite out of her side. Her once white shirt is now coloured with her blood. I try to grab her again but I'm pulled away from the horrifying scene by a girl who's shouting at me to run. So I do.

All I can think about is how much of a coward I am. I could've done something to help her. But it was way too late. What sort of friend am I?  What friend let's her best and only friend get eaten by a monster? Me. I guess I'm the best sort of friend anyone can have. Funny.

Zombie Virus - Shit Is RealOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora