The Shopping Center/Mall

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We walk up to a large building. Half the sign missing but I can make out the word shop. "Oh it's just a shopping center." Theo turns around and rolls his eyes, "it's actually a mall Leo lion." I stop dead in my tracks. Is he making fun out of my name? "Well stupid Theo, whether it's a shopping centre or a mall, you can still buy stuff here." He laughs, shakes his head and with a kitchen knife in his hand, he slowly opens the doors.

We make our way through the shopping center.  We stop in front of a clothes shop and a toy shop. Theo eagerly looks at the toy shop but then looks at the clothes shop, then me.

"You can finally get some girly clothes now, I bet you stole them from your brother."

I look at him and raise my eyebrows. "What is it with guys assuming that when a girl wears comfortable clothing, they're probably her brother's or boyfriend's? Why can't a girl just wear what the hell she wants?" He stands there silently, not knowing what to say. "Sorry, I just get really angry when it comes to that topic but still. Also, these clothes, they're mine. My brother is 5 years older than me and he stayed in England. I am wearing the hoodie he gave me but everything else is mine." He nods and looks back at the toy shop. He smiles, looks at me and darts into the shop.

Barbies in boxes without a 5 year old stylist. Small cars await to be drove round bedroom floors. Teddy bears scattered on the floor, some missing their limbs and others missing their heads. I pick up a small orange one with gold lettering of  "I love you" on the stomach. Cute.

I walk around the corner to find Theo wrapped in a black cape and holding a light saber in both hands. "Leo, I am your hero" He says, in a deep breathy voice. I push him away from me but he trips over the dragging cape and falls to the floor. He lies still on the floor. I can't hold back the laughter, so I don't. After a few minutes, I wipe the tears from my eyes and go help him up. He folds his arms, "are you okay now? Don't die. Don't want have to shoot your non existent brain when a zombie bites you." I take the saber from his hands and hit him on the head. "Don't worry Theo, Leo will always be here for you and definitely won't shoot you. Not unless you annoy her."

He puts the cape back on its hanger and goes further into the store. I grab the cape and put both that and the light saber in my rucksack. I quickly zip up as I see Theo coming back looking quite pleased with himself. "What are you grinning at?" He shakes his head and grabs my wrist. "What did you do?" We leave the shop, him pulling me by my wrist.

He stops moving and is looking into a window. His eyes are latched  on a silver ring with a small ruby gem in. I look at it and then at Theo. I'm met with chocolate brown eyes. This causes him to wake from the daze he was in.

He goes inside and I stand outside, admiring the small coloured crystals embedded in the gold and silver jewellery. I become hypnotised by the colours but am pulled out of it when Theo grabs my hood and drags me away from the shop. "Oh my god! What now?!?"

He clears his throat, "I may or may not have bumped into a group of zombies in the jewellery store. I think there was around 15, I don't know, I'm not to sure." I grab his wrist and pull it so that his hand let's go of my hood. "Why are you such a stupid idiot?"

We reach the top floor and are met by a larger group of zombies. Few were children who most likely decapitated those poor teddy bears. The rest are adults, most likely some of the parents to the young zomblings. Some staggering towards us whilst others half hobble, half run, hands reaching out to grab us. We sprint up a flight of stairs, open the door and realise that we're on the roof. I look down to see many zombies crowding around the entrance of the shopping centre.

We stand on the edge of the roof, looking down at the neighboring building. "I don't want to do this." Theo takes my hand and squeezes it gently. "Leo we have to do this. They're going to figure a way out on how to get to the roof. If all else fails and someone breaks something, I guess one of us is just going have to carry the wounded one." I look at the building and back at Theo. He smiles at me reassuringly. "Leo just trust me. 1, 2, 3, now jump!"

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