House of The Rich

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"I really need to learn how to do that" I say as Theo picks the lock to a large house. I drop my rucksack at the door but keep my rifle with me, just in case we encounter another one of the living dead. The house has been knocked through. Within the four walls, the owners have managed to have a kitchen, dining room and living room all in one place. "Woah." I look at Joe who has his eyes fixed on a large gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling. A set of stairs stand in the back corner. "I'll check the rest of the house. Don't make any loud noises."

Upstairs is a large room and a door that leads to the bathroom. There is a large bath that is tucked into a corner. The shower is placed in the other. Charcoal grey makes it appear dark but yet it's so immaculate. For a bathroom. In the bedroom, a large bed sits in the middle of the room. Dark crimson duvet covers it and matches the curtains. Now this is more tasteful. The walls are a pale grey and the furnishings are all black. I open the wardrobe to find suits and dresses. No normal clothes then. Shame.

I creep up behind Theo and Joe who seem to have found food but didn't want to tell me. "Food!" Both of them jump. I burst into laughter whilst they both look at me annoyed. "We thought you were a zombie then. Anything up there?" I shake my head, "their wardrobe is filled with suits and dresses. We really are in a house of the rich." We tuck into the food and decide to all go upstairs and sleep in the large bed. Theo's face drops when he sees the room. "I want to live somewhere like this when I'm older." Climbing in to bed, I reply "that's if we survive you stupid idiot." Joe looks at me. "I've never heard you say that before." Theo slaps him on the back, "you lucky person. It means she hates you. Well that's what she wants you to think. It means she loves you so much and that she cares about how well your brain functions." I throw a pillow at Theo and go to throw one at Joe but he has a look on his face. "Joe what's wrong?" He shakes his and says it's nothing.

"Guys I really can't get to sleep." Theo turns away from me. "I'm good Theo. You can hug Leo." He then turns towards me and wraps his arms around me. He smells like apple and pear. "I'm guess I don't have a choice about this do I?" Theo chuckles.

"No. No you don't."

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