Chapter 10: The Fight - Winter Soldier

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I didn't like this girl. She was suspicious. This golden eyes girl was the height of gossip in the tower. Every single conversation I heard was about her. And I was going to find her. I noticed that Natasha left for an hour yesterday, when I asked her about it, she just said she was visiting someone. So today when she said she was going out, I followed her. She walked down the streets of New York, until we came upon a little alleyway. I hid around the corner and waited. Once she came in front of the alleyway she smiled, she almost never does that, and a girl came out. The golden eyed girl. I couldn't help it anymore, I stepped out and went over to them.
"So this is who you're going to see." The girl turned and I took a step back. She had a murderous glare in her eyes and I had a feeling she was dangerous. Nat stared me down.
"James Barnes." She said in a low and scary voice. Uh oh we're on first name basis. "You better get your butt out of here or I will knock you to next week." I backed up a step and I could see the girl smirking.
"Maybe we can kick his butt Nat." Uh oh.

They took me to Jesse's gym. I will not lie. I was scared. I thought I was gonna die. We went into the super room, and I looked at the two girls with gleams in their eyes.
"Ok here's how this is gonna work," Nat said, "Abby here will fight you ok?" I was worried about beating this kid up, but I didn't want to say the wrong thing and piss them off more so I just went with it. They started to count down.
"3." The girl, Abby, said.
"2." Nat continued.
"1." They said together. And she leaped at me. If I went easy on her, I would have been knocked out in two minutes flat. She kicked and punched, spun and danced around me, almost taunting me. I jabbed back. Then I saw an opening, so with my metal arm I threw a punch to her back. She jumped out of the way! What? Does this girl have a Spidey sense or something? I threw another punch. Big mistake. She caught my fist! My metal fist! I was so surprised that I let my guard down. She had me pinned in 3 seconds flat. I tapped out, panting. Nat hi-fived Abby.
"Good job squirt." Abby scrunched her nose, apparently she didn't like that nickname.
"What the heck?" Abby looked down at me.
"You should have seen your face when I caught that fist. Ha!" Nat looked down at me and helped me up.
"Superpowers idiot." Abby suddenly said.
"Excuse me?" She rolled her eyes.
"Y'know, super strength, super healing?"
"Ya I know what super powers are kid." She glared at me. "I'm saying how do you have them?" Her gaze steeled.
"None of your business." Her voice was tight. The she turned to Nat. "Thanks. That was entertaining. Now I have to go find a place to sleep tonight. Bye Widow." She walked out of the gym, waving good bye to the teen at the front desk.
"A place to sleep?" Then it clicked. "Oh."
"Yeah dummy."
"Why does she trust you?"
"I have no idea. But at least she trusts someone. Cmon let's go back to the tower."

The Girl With The Metal Wings // Avengers Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now