Chapter 47: Home

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Guys. This is it. The final chapter. I am holding back a screech. I am so thankful to all of you who are reading this. I was gonna wait longer, but I couldn't help myself. We have almost 1k reads, which is amazing! Ok I really hope you enjoy the end to Abby's story! Have fun!

I woke up to someone talking. I didn't want to open my eyes, in case they stopped.
"-you were so brave. And not mention beautiful. I just wish I could tell you." I recognized Iris's voice. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking from the harsh light.
"Hey." My rough voice surprised me.
"You're awake!" Iris went to hug me. I groaned.
"Yeah still hurts."
"Whoops sorry." She sat back down. "I should call Bruce."
"Wait. What did you want to tell me?" She flushed.
"You heard that?" I nodded.
"You don't have to if you don't want to."
"No I should. Um, I think I like you." Her voice was quiet. I grinned from ear to ear.
"Well that's good, cause I like you too. Do you maybe want to go to the movies once I'm back?"
"I would love to." Then she kissed me on the cheek. Then she went to go join the others upstairs. I touched where she had kissed it, hoping this wasn't a dream. Then Nat walked in. When she saw me she smirked and said,
"So it finally happened huh? Ha! Clint owes me ten bucks!" I laughed. "How are you feeling?"
"Better. Just tired."
"That's good. You think you can come talk to everyone?" I nodded and propped myself up, eventually getting to my feet. We walked up to the common room and I was tackled in hugs.
"Alright! I get it you love me!" They all released their grips and they were all ecstatic. Then a green blur flew at me.
"Bo!" He attacked me with kisses and he settled in my lap. Everyone peppered me with questions about how I was steeling and we eventually ended up watching Tangled again, eating chips and snacks. I laid my head on Iris's lap, and soon I was asleep.

Nat's POV
I looked over and saw Abby asleep on Iris's lap, and Iris running her fingers through Abby's hair. I smiled at the scene, happy that she was happy. Soon almost everyone noticed and was staring at the pair.
"So it finally happened?" Clint said.
"Clint! You ruined the moment." Steve said. Iris giggled.
"Yeah. She actually asked me on a date."
"Well you better take good care of her." Tony said, turning into a protective dad.
"I think it'll be the other way around." A sleepy voice interjected. Iris laughed.
"Sure Abs. Now go back to sleep." Surprisingly she listened and in a few seconds she was back asleep.
"Wow ok. We're keeping you around." Tony said. We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking. Most people had left by now, leaving just me, Iris, Clint, Loki and Abby. She was still lying down, but she was wide awake.
"Hey Nat?"
"Can Iris sleep over?"
"Sure. Just don't stay up too late ok?" They agreed and I went off to bed, with visions of how our kid was happy.

Abby's POV
I was now wide awake, still laying by Iris. Nat and Clint had gone to sleep, so that juts left Loki. He got up to go, when I heard in my head,
The stars are beautiful this time of year. I looked over at him and he was smiling. I mouthed a thank you and he walked away.
"Hey Iris?"
"Cmon." I dragged her to the elevator and pressed a button.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise." I grinned at her. We arrived at the roof and she gasped. Loki was right, the stars were beautiful. He must have put some illusion on it to add the sight of the galaxy. We sat close to the ledge and just laid in each other's arms.
"Hey Iris?"
"Yeah Abs?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course." And she kissed me. Soft and sweet, and I didn't want it to end. We broke it and leaned our foreheads together for a second, and hugged each other. This is what love felt like. And in that moment I knew.
I was finally home.

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