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"Stand up straight!" Your mother grumbled while fixing your (h/c) hair and tugging on your pale pink blouse.
You obeyed and gave a sigh. Your mother ran the brush roughly through your hair making sure every knot was out and it laid smooth against your face. How long has it been since you were given the dreadful news? Days?

"Why am I doing this? I don't know anything about him." You whined and she gave you a stern look.
"We've been over this. His name is Levi Ackerman, he is 22 years old and his uncles buisness is very succesful." She explained as she stepped back and a smile grew across her lips.

"There y/n! You look absolutley beautiful." She grabbed her keys and motioned for you.
Today you were meeting the man you were supposed to be marrying in a few months. You knew nothing about him. Just that you would be marrying him for the benefit off your parents company and his. Apparently it was a great honor since his family, your soon to be in laws, were rich and famous people.

"Mom I don't wanna be married. Im only 18!" You debated but she refused to listen as you both climbed into her small car.
"Like it or not y/n youre marrying Levi. Your father and I, we need this buisness deal sweetie.." she said with a sigh before flipping the key and turning on the car.

"But why does it have to be marriage?" You asked crossing your arms and slumping down in your seat. She shrugged and pages attention to the road.
"I'm unsure of that to be honest. His mother and uncle explained that Levi has never showed an interest in marrying. Maybe that is why y/n."

You rolled your eyes and looked out the window thinking about how your friends would feel about your new found engagement.
The sky was gray, reflecting your mood perfectly. It hasent been long since your parents stopped working as accountants and began making their dreams a reality, opening their own buisness, a store where your mother would make clothes; and your father would buy products and sell them at a higher price.  Which made a decent living, but as always buisness people keep growing.

"What if I don't like him?" You asked finally after a moment of silence.

Your mother let a sigh escape from her pale lips and stopped at a red light.
"Sometimes we do things that will benefit ourselves y/n. This is great for you, you won't have to work a day in your life. Can't you see how blessed you are?" She began before beginning to drive again.

"Not when I don't have a choice. " you snapped. She sighed again.
"It's not the end of the world. I'm sure you'll find something you and him have in common."
Another moment of silence was shared as your mom turned into the cafe we were supposed to be meeting him in. Your stomach churned as you saw a fancy limo already parked along the side of the building, along with your dad's shiny black Benz.

Your mother got out of the car and went to your side pulling you from the safety of the passenger seat.
"Lets go y/n! Destiny awaits." She exclaimed.

"Or my doom..." You muttered and closed the door of the car gently behind you.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now