The Fall of Ekron 2

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In the Mainframes' Hall, Heidrun raised her numbed arms and unplugged the cables from her head, rose from her throne and said to Baphomet, "We must leave, our time here is over."

Baphomet opened his eyes and looked at Heidrum with resignation, "I'm already missing this pain."

He unplugged himself too and followed Heidrun to an elevator located on a corner of the Hall. Hundreds of functionaries were so absorbed in their work that did not even notice the oracles were gone and kept typing data into an empty shell.

Once on the surface, they left the elevator and the remains of Isaakievskiy Sobor offered them a dismal view in a beautiful summer day.

Heidrun said, "It's a long walk to Kish, and we must get there before the new ice age begins."

"How will they receive us there?"

"Their oracle is old, and never worked properly."

"I remember that she worked just fine."

"She has no eyes."

And the chimeric oracles, part animal, part spirit and part machine began a walk to another city born from the chaos of the Annihilation War, one with different inhabitants, very different rulers, but the same interest in unveiling the secrets of the future.

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