Saturn - 5

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Maria approached Astarte to ask her something, but the Macsk started talking before she could even open her mouth.

"Anubis is moving Gog's Mausoleum to Sibara."

"It means that he plans to destroy Earth; you must move soon."

"Don't you mean we?"

"Astarte, I'm not going with you."

"What if we fail and Earth is destroyed?"

"I have means to escape, but I need your help."

"Where will you escape to? I would like to see you again, even if it happens in a distant future."

Maria pondered her answer for a second.

"Saturn," answered Maria and Astarte understood that it was true and a lie at the same time, it broke her heart.

"Well, Maria Brähl, what do you need from me, to escape."

"A flask of your blood."

Astarte closed her eyes and said, "I think that what you really need is a flask of Sumitre's blood."

Sumitre was another Macsk, a little taller than Astarte, her skin was whiter, her hair was darker, and she had beautiful blue cat eyes, just like those of Maria. Actually, she looked a lot like Maria except for her hair and clothing; she dressed like a gypsy fortune teller.

They approached her and Astarte commanded, "Give Maria some of your blood."

"What for?"

"An experiment," said Astarte, knowing exactly what Maria wanted it for.

With a curved knife, Maria collected the white liquid in a nine-ounce flask from Sumitre's arm. Then Astarte took Maria to a section in the further part of that level. There, the two ships were ready in front of the portal gems, Carmina and other supplies were already loaded on the big ship. Astarte wanted to show Maria her latest developments. One of them was a ten feet long laser cannon, mounted on a cart.

"Is called Anjalikastra and is based on your mother's design, with the improvement of a force shield and it doesn't overcharge."

"Is beautiful."

Then the Macsk shower her a transparent jar with a lid that opened and closed electronically. It had and insect inside, some sort of chrysopa, it seemed calm, waiting.

"Well, I only hope that your escape is worth all the lives it will cost," said Astarte.

Maria stood in silence for a moment, feeling scolded by Astarte.

"Whatever you do, remember, is crucial that you cut the connection between Agatha and the mainframe," added Maria.

"Of course, otherwise she would be able to modulate the mainframe signal and take control of Szörnyet, then it would be even more catastrophic. Do they deserve what is coming for them?"

"Possibly, but is not my place to judge them, even when you seem so eager to judge me."

"Would it have been different if you didn't have a place to go?"

"No, I wouldn't have gone with you anyway."

After a pause, Astarte said, "I will always remember you Maria Brähl..."

"I doubt it."

That said, Maria went to her workroom and Astarte prepared her pack for a travel to Dobruj.

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