Crystal Statues - 4

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"Anubis is Emperor, but Llacme, Cymra's sister, is the local Queen," explained Sephia to Carmina.

"Llacme is Cymra's sister?"

"Yes, before invasion she was high priestess, along with Cymra and Djaall, but Anubis took control of the only Celestial Beast left, and the faith of the Three Angels was abolished, only regular necromancy lingers. Two of the angels, between life and dead, are still in display in Llacme's castle. She also has some spacecrafts, provided by Anubis."

"What does Llacme fear over everything else?"

"The same everybody fears, the goats."


"Vicious and powerful beings, they live in those mountains, like vultures."

Carmina looked at the mountains and smiled. She killed some bear-like creatures that lived in a cave, fed on them with Sephia and made her a bed with their fur inside the cave. Then Carmina used those creatures' bones to make a handle, mixed her blood with Cymra's tentacles for three days and lit little fires around them at night, until they became rigid and sensitive to her thoughts, then she assembled them into the handle, making a short spear, that could extend its blade to twelve yards of length, at Carmina's will.

"I'll come for you in a couple days, then we'll go back to Kish and live forever," said Carmina to Sephia, then kissed her mouth and forehead and left the cave.

Carmina flew near the top of a mountain where goats had a nest of almost fifty members. She floated three hundred yards away from them, covered by clouds; her moles shone red, and her eyes turned black. Then she approached them and laid between the rocks that formed their nest. They approached her too, and she touched their horns and wings. There were twenty more mountains in that range, and all of them had goat nests. 

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