The Parasite - 2

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Llacme was laying over a stone platform that once had a throne, in a castle so old that it was reduced to a stone cave. Sleepless for many days, waiting for a resolution from Szörnyet, she closed her eyes for a second and conscience started to leave her. It was obvious that they could not get anywhere near the yellow system without risking the beast Szörnyet, but then how could they recover Vadállat? Then she felt a noise, opened her eyes a little but saw nothing in front of her and closed them again. Then a voice clearly said: "We didn't mean to interrupt your dreams, your Holiness", so she opened her eyes again and still didn't see anybody in front of her, but paying more attention, she saw a point of light ten feet from the ground and an infimum moth standing in two legs.

Llacme adopted a more decorous position, with at least her head vertical, and said, "Don't worry, dreams hadn't come to me yet. What is your concern?"

"My disciple Láthatlan," said Lepk, with a powerful voice for such a tiny being, "was called for a spiritual transmission, as it is our job to carry souls across our dominions, and he found some disturbing anomalies in the soul acquired."


"The soul acquired was heavily charged with exogenous material."



"Maybe she is with child."

"The exogenous material was not of her own species and was attached to her with forbidden rituals."

"Did that happen in our system?"

"No, far away."

"Nothing, except for us, can do or even know any ritual, allowed or forbidden, you are delusional."

"Am afraid not, and that is the issue, she was intelligent while she was alive."

Llacme stayed in shock for some seconds, not sure to understand what Lepk was saying.

"What did Láthatlan do with her?

"He let her here in Sibara, but I carried her to Dobruj when I found out."

"Good decision, until we know what is really happening, we must be cautious."

"Is it possible that she is the demon that will seduce Cymra?"

"Sincerely, I don't think Cymra will actually ally himself with a demon, it must had meant something else. Szörnyet is now meditating and trying to dream about it, even if he has never had the gift of clairvoyance... Well, you can leave, and punish Láthatlan for his lack of judgment."

"Your Holiness."

They left and the golden skin of Lepk reflected the yellow rays of the sun, as the blue giants were not on the firmament. The stones on the ground moved away and trembled by every step of Láthatlan, as if a giant spider would have plugged its claws between them. They got to their cave in complete obscurity except for the shiny spot over Láthatlan and Lepk's yellow fluorescence.

"How could you be that stupid? From now on, all souls with signals of intelligence go to Dobruj, not Sibara, understood?" said Lepk, lecturing his apprentice.

"I understand."

"And as punishment, you will not eat in two years."

"I can eat now."

And Lepk's tenuous shine disappeared in the darkness of a cave, inside an invisible beast. Láthatlan later said that he had eaten Lepk because he was idolizing demons, as it was Lepk's idea to take Agatha to Dobruj.

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