~5: Where He Decides to Fix Her Car~

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Where He Decides to Fix Her Car



Were my ears playing tricks on me?

Had she really just said that she had dated Chase Michelson for two years?

I was pretty sure that my eyes were the size of saucers by now.


This tiny, freckled she-devil, with chaotic red hair and possibly the worst taste in clothes I'd ever seen had dated the most popular guy in school for two years.

"You?" I managed to sputter in shock and then I cringed at how insulting I had just sounded.

"I get it, Chase Michelson is considered a God in this school. Why would he date a loser like me right?" She responded flatly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean-" I started but she cut me off with a slight smile.

"I'm kidding, I honestly don't mind." She said nonchalantly but I still felt guilty.

"I didn't mean to insult you, what I meant was that you don't seem like his type?"


I mentally slapped myself.

That didn't sound any better.

If anything I'd managed to sound more like an asshole than before.

Her melodic laugh took me off guard.

"It's okay, you didn't hurt my feelings and you're right I wasn't his type and he wasn't my type either."

Something about the tone of her voice made me want to ask her what she was talking about and if she was okay.

But I didn't.

For the first time since I'd met Fallon Chambers, her sunshine-like bright personality seemed to dim a little and I realized that I didn't like that.

I didn't like it one bit.

Just to appease her I found myself saying, "I'm intrigued, how do you plan on helping me win over Caroline?"

At once, her expression brightened and I found myself letting out a little sigh of relief.

"Look, I can't guarantee that she'll date you once we're done. I mean it is her choice in the end but I know the things girls find attractive about guys like Chase," She paused, "because I used to be one of those girls and I can give you tips and pointers on how to behave around Caroline that might get her to notice you." Her voice trailed off and she gave me a hopeful expression.

I could feel my heart thudding wildly in my chest.

This is insane.

Am I really considering this?

"Fallon?" An unfamiliar male voice suddenly caught my attention.

I watched as the color drained from Fallon's face.

My head snapped in the direction of the voice. Her reaction to the voice had my hands automatically curling into fists.

 I found myself staring at Chase Michelson.

"Fallon." He said again, his voice smooth, "Can we talk?"

"I-I'm actually late for class." Her voice sounded almost panicked when she answered him.

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