~29: Where She Cheers for Him~

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There were a couple of people seated in the bleachers as I made my way to the front. The people that were present were there to support the opposing team, no one from our school had shown up to show their support for the school's swim team even though they'd managed to qualify for the semi-finals.

It made me a little angry.

Archer had told me about their tournament a week ago. When I'd asked him if I could come to cheer him on he'd looked stunned. He'd told me that no one from school ever bothered to come to support them during tournaments. He'd shrugged and told me that I'd just be bored but I could see that he didn't really mean it.

My lips pulled into a grin when I saw Peyton making her way towards me and to my delight, she'd brought most of the girls from the volleyball team with her. A couple of paces behind Peyton I spotted a blonde head with a perfectly styled ponytail.

Caroline Williams

My smile widened.

I called Caroline last night last night and asked her to come to support the guys. She'd immediately agreed and told me that she'd bring the other cheerleaders too. All of them looked amazing with their high ponytails and cheer uniforms, they'd even brought their pom-poms.

Caroline sat down beside me and gave me a quick hug. Surprisingly, Caroline and I had become pretty good friends. She was really hard to not like and I enjoyed spending time with her.

A whistle sounded and everyone in the audience grew silent. One by one all the swimmers lined up at the edge of the pool. My breath hitched when I spotted Archer, he was wearing black swimming jammers and a swim cap, and his goggles were pushed up to his forehead.

His entire body was toned to perfection. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

I unfurled the banner I was holding. It wasn't much but I'd stayed up all night making it. I'd snuck out of the room after Archer had fallen asleep. It read- 'No one is faster than my man Archer' in Neon green letters. I'd even added glitter. Lots of glitter.

"Archer!" I called out excitedly.

I hadn't expected my voice to reach him but as soon as his name left my lips his head whipped in my direction.

A look of shock crossed his face. His eyes met mine and that look of shock suddenly changed into one of pure unadulterated joy. For a moment we both just stared at each other from across the Olympic-sized pool. His eyes zeroed on the banner I was holding and I grinned as I watched his shoulders shake as he laughed. He shook his head in disbelief and gave me a thumbs-up.

Then suddenly the other guys from the team caught on, their faces lit up in delight when they saw us. The cheerleaders waved their pom-poms enthusiastically and chanted 'Go Team' in chorus.

The swimmers finally took their positions. A whistle sounded and all of them dove into the pool disappearing below the surface.

By the end of the tournament, my hands ached from clapping so much and my throat was raw from screaming Archer's name

Colton won the individual's race by a huge margin, both the runner-up and second runner-up were guys from rival schools. We managed to get the best time in the team relay so our team progressed to the finals.

I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face as I watched one of the judges shake Archer's hand and place the medal around his neck.


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