~38: Where She Goes to Prom~

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Where She Goes to Prom


I smoothed down my dress for what seemed like the thousandth time. My heart was pounding. Archer was going to be here any minute now.

"Relax Fallon, you look amazing," Peyton told me gently.

"Yup." Caroline quipped from behind her as she put on her second coat of mascara. "You look hot as fuck. Archer is one lucky bastard"

I blushed at her words.

Mrs. Williams had insisted that Peyton and I come over before prom so she could do our makeup, she'd even hired a professional hair stylist to do our hair so for the first time my usually wild hair was silky smooth and ended in soft waves running down my back.

We were currently seated in Caroline's room waiting for the boys to come pick us up. Caroline had insisted that we wait upstairs instead of the living room downstairs because she wanted us to make a dramatic staircase entrance.

Caroline wore a beautiful long red silk dress with a slit up the side and Peyton was wearing a stunning shimmering gold cocktail gown. I was a little nervous because, unlike Caroline and Peyton who looked perfect in their new dresses, I'd had to make my dress myself from scratch. I'd found this beautiful iridescent sequin material at a thrift shop and fashioned it into a mermaid-style dress, with a sweetheart neckline and dual spaghetti straps that lead to a lace-up back. It looked nice enough but I wasn't a professional seamstress so it was far from perfect.

My phone buzzed and I could feel my heart flutter in excitement.

Caroline let out an excited squeal.

"The guys are here!"


I could hear Colton and Andrew's appreciative murmurs as Caroline and Peyton made their way downstairs before me.

My heart thudded wildly as I slowly made my way down the staircase, making sure I didn't trip in the lace-up pearl heels Caroline had lent me.

My breath stuttered in my chest as my eyes locked on Archer, he was talking to Colton so his back was to me but I could feel my heart rate pick up even further at the sight of him because Archer Hastings the boy who I'd only seen wearing grey, black and white stood before me wearing a deep teal colored velvet blazer and beige pants.

In my shock, I lost my footing on the last step and let out a surprised squeak as I gripped the railing to stabilize myself. Archer spun around quickly at my sound of distress, his arms extended to reach out for me but when he saw me he froze.

His eyes widened in awe as he took me in from head to toe. I could feel his gaze warming every inch of me.

I could hear his breath hitch.

"Wow." He murmured as if he was in a daze. Then he shook his head, getting a hold of himself, and offered me his hand. I took it with a shy smile.

He pulled me into a hug. "Fallon." He whispered in my ear. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on."

Our lips met in a gentle kiss.

I smiled up at him as I fixed his light blue tie. "You look pretty damn amazing too Mr. Hastings." And I meant it. Even though it wasn't a conventional color for a vest it looked amazing on him, and it fit him perfectly.

I tapped his teal vest with my forefinger and winked. "Looks like my colorful sense of fashion is finally rubbing off on you."

His eyes lit up in amusement as he grasped the lapels of his blazer. "I didn't want to be known as the moron who managed to take Fallon Chambers to prom and chose to wear a boring black and white suit."

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