~12: Where She Tells Everyone Her Brilliant Idea~

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Where She Tells Everyone Her Brilliant Idea



I was almost done with my shift when the bell on top of the door chimed, signaling that someone had entered.

"Hey Fal, I came as soon as I saw your text." Peyton jogged towards me. "I brought the girls like you asked, what's up?"

Sure enough, the entire volleyball team was filing into the quaint coffee shop I worked in. A chorus of greetings followed. I waved at them and gave them all a big smile.

"I'm so glad you guys could make it! I have a cool idea that I want to share with you all but I'm actually waiting for a couple of other people to show up before I can share it." I told them excitedly. I gave Peyton a sly wink when she narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously. "So, if you guys could just go make yourselves comfortable in one of the booths and wait a couple of minutes I promise you won't regret it."

All of them looked intrigued, thankfully they didn't ask me any questions as they all went and occupied the booth tucked in the corner of the coffee shop.

I quickly gave the counter one last wipe before taking off my apron. As if on cue the bell sounded again.

My breath hitched as soon I saw Archer enter. His eyes scanned the coffee shop before they finally came to settle on me, his eyes grew hooded and he gave me a lazy smile as he ran a hand through his hair, mussing it up even further. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as my lips tilted into an involuntary smile at the sight of him.

"Hate to interrupt whatever lovey-dovey shit is going on here but you said this had something to do with getting the school's pool fixed Archer." A gruff voice cut in. My eyes immediately darted to the attractive dark-skinned guy who had spoken. 

I  registered his words and found myself blushing again but this time from embarrassment. I could see ten or so guys filing in behind Archer.

 Archer had brought his teammates from the swim team along like I'd asked.

"Stop being a dick Colton." Archer gave the guy who had just spoken a scathing look.

Colton's grey eyes studied me. "I'm Colton Miller." He gave me a knowing smirk, "Captain of the Swim Team."

"Fallon." I gave him a small wave. "And don't worry this is about getting the pool fixed but before we get into that I need to introduce you guys to some people."

Archer and I shared another secret smile. He was the only person I'd told about my idea.

I led the guys to the booth where Peyton and the other members of the volleyball team were sitting.

"Girls," I beamed, "I'd like you to meet Avalon High's swim team" I turned to the guys, "And this is the volleyball team."

"And the point of this is. . ." Colton cut in.

"I'm getting to that part." I rolled my eyes at him. Archer gave Colten a warning look that made him scoff but he didn't say anything further. "So," I continued, "Archer and I were talking the other day about how the school spends all of its funds only on the football and basketball teams and the other teams have to suffer because of it. The school's pool has been non-functioning for ages and the school board has taken no steps to repair it, so the swim team has to go to the community pool or Archer's house to practice, and the girl's volleyball team needs new equipment, the hand-me-downs they're currently wearing are practically falling off the seams at this point. Which isn't exactly fair because the school just bought the football team their own personal air-conditioned bus."

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