~P r o l o g u e~

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This book is dedicated to a dear friend who lost her battle with Cancer this year.

I will forever be in awe of your courage and strength.

You were too young, too kind. The world will never be as bright without you in it.

I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.

This one's for you.


"What almost killed you, gave you a reason to live."



Trigger Warning:

|Middle School|

I trudged down the noisy hallway. My shoulders were hunched, head down, trying to draw as little attention to myself as possible.

I reached my locker and sighed in resignation, someone had written 'FREAK' in bold black letters, whoever it was had evidently used a permanent marker because the letters didn't even smudge when I tried to wipe them with the sleeve of my T-shirt.

I quickly grabbed my books and headed to class.

I tried to ignore the hushed whispers and silent giggles directed at me.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Fallon the Freak." Billy Scott's cold voice reverberated through the classroom. Dread settled down in the pit of my stomach. He hopped down from the desk he was sitting on and sauntered towards me. "Hope you liked the little message I left for you on your locker." He taunted.

"Wow Fallon, is that the same outfit you wore yesterday?" Jenny Scott's voice sounded from behind me making my blood run cold. "Bet you didn't even wash it, you filthy pig." She sneered.

Jenny and Billy were siblings, they were both beautiful and popular. Billy was a year older than us but he was in the same grade as me because he'd had to repeat a grade.

As soon as I had transferred here, the two of them had made it their life's purpose to make my life a living hell.

"I washed it, I swear," I said softly. "I can't afford to wear new clothes every day."

"Oh, cry me a river." Jenny pretended to yawn. "I know people like you just want us to pity you so you can get charity from us, in reality, you're just a lazy bitch who doesn't want to do anything herself."

I tried to blink back the tears that threatened to spill over.

"You look a little dirty Fallon." Billy spoke mockingly, he looked towards his sister "Doesn't she Jenny?"

Jenny nodded enthusiastically.

Panic welled up inside my chest and threatened to suffocate me

"I think we should help her." Billy took a threatening step toward me.


Fear had me immobilized.

I tried to move back but in a flash, Billy lunged at me, he held my arms behind my back, completely restraining me. I tried to struggle but his grip tightened to an extent where I knew it would leave bruises.

I watched in horror as Jenny walked towards us, one of her hands slowly unscrewing the cap of her large water bottle.


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