~26: Where She Gets a Roommate~

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Where She Gets a Roommate



I lay stiffly on my bed.

When I'd suggested that Archer could sleep in my room I hadn't really predicted how awkward it would be. I could hear Archer tossing on the air mattress that occupied most of the floor space in my room at this point.

My room was tiny. Probably due to the fact that it was intended to be used as a store room, not a bedroom. Adrian and Nelly had already been living in this apartment before I came here so they had the two actual bedrooms. I'd known Adrian because he had briefly lived in The St. Lawrence Orphanage with me. I knew I had to leave the orphanage and find a place to live once I turned eighteen and I'd been beyond relieved when Adrian told me I could stay with them.

"Are you sure you don't want to take the bed? I can sleep on the air mattress, it's better suited to my size anyway." I asked Archer for probably the twentieth time.

"I'm good. Thanks." He said somewhat stiffly.

We were enveloped by an awkward silence once again.

"It's been a long day we should probably just go to sleep." I finally said.

"Okay." He responded.

I swallowed. "Could you get the lights?" I asked.

His mattress was on the floor right beside my bed so I'd actually have to go over him if I wanted to leave the room or get to the switchboard beside the door.

"Sure." I watched his back as he got up and headed towards the opposite wall. I'd stolen one of Adrian's T-shirts and black basketball shorts for him to sleep in. Adrian was shorter and less muscled than Archer so naturally his clothes didn't exactly fit him. The shirt clung to his torso like a second skin emphasizing his large biceps and toned back.

I was so busy gawking at him that I didn't notice him picking up something from my makeshift desk in the corner.

"Wait, is this your diary?"

His words had me crashing back to reality.

I could feel my heartbeat spike as my eyes locked on the small teal book in Archer's hands.

"Put that down!" I screamed in horror.

But my tone only made his lips curl up into a lazy smirk.

"Does this contain all your dirty little secrets, Fallon?" His voice was soft, taunting...

"Don't. You. Dare." I warned.

When he gave me a challenging look I jumped off the bed and launched myself at him.

He managed to predict what I was planning to do because, at the very last minute, he held my diary up, completely out of reach. I couldn't even reach it if I stood on my tip toes or jumped. He tipped his head down to look at me.

"Seems like you're at my mercy baby." He drawled.

His heated gaze collided with mine. We were both heaving at this point, our chests brushing against each other with every breath.

I could feel my lips twisting into a smile.

"Oh, really?" I taunted, and my eyes flashed with challenge.

The air around us seemed to thicken.

Suddenly my arms were snaking behind his neck on their own accord. I pulled his head towards mine and brushed my lips against his.

I could feel his whole body go rigid.

I brushed my lips against his once more but this time I tilted my head to the side so I had better access. I teasingly nipped at his bottom lip and then soothed the sting with my tongue. The action seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in. He made a low sound deep in his throat.

I smiled against his lips when I heard my diary thump to the floor.

I was about to step away from him when I suddenly felt his hands on my butt lifting me off the ground. A surprised yelp escaped my lips.

 I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist to stabilize myself. He turned, taking me with him and the next moment I felt the hard wood of the door behind my back.

My eyes met his and my breath hitched. His pupils were so dilated that his eyes seemed almost completely black. They roved wildly over my face before he made a strangled sound of desperation. His lips crashed against mine, moving feverishly. His tongue swiped against my bottom lip lazily till I finally opened my mouth, permitting him to deepen the kiss.

His kisses were wild and desperate like he'd been starved.

I was addicted.

"I dreamed of this for so long." He husked in between kisses. His grip on me tightened as he pressed my body closer to his. I moaned when I felt the hardness of him against the most sensitive parts of me.

His lips finally left mine only to trail wet open-mouthed kisses along my jaw and then down my neck

His fingers tugged against the neckline of my shirt.

"Did you wear this to bed on purpose?" He demanded, referring to the loose white knee-length shirt I was wearing. "Did you like driving me crazy?" His voice was like velvet, his breaths heating my oversensitive skin. I whimpered.

He tugged again till my shoulder was completely exposed. His tongue darted out and he licked the juncture between my neck and shoulder before he bit down hard enough to leave a mark. I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming.

"Oh God Archer." I groaned.

He rocked against me, perfectly hitting the place where I ached the most. His hands snaked below my shirt, gliding hotly against my bare skin.

The door was suddenly vibrating behind me.

We both broke apart, our breathing ragged and lips swollen.

It took me a moment to register the loud banging. And then suddenly Adrian's voice broke through.

"Fallon your boyfriend's here to see you!"

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