~2: Where She's Definitely NOT Being a Stalker~

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Where She's Definitely NOT Being a Stalker


I hid behind one of the shelves in the library as I spied on Archer Hastings.

I hadn't even known he existed before the mechanic mentioned his name.

Today was officially the third day I had followed him around school aimlessly without mustering up the courage to talk to him. From what I'd gathered, Archer didn't talk to anyone in school, he spent his lunch break in the library where he studied and ate his food in silence. 

Like he was doing right now. 

I watched as he took a huge bite from his apple and chewed slowly.

He normally had his air-pods fitted into his ears and he wore big oversized hoodies with the hood drawn over his head.

I knew I was borderlining on creepy stalkerish behavior now but I couldn't help it, just the thought of asking someone, particularly a stranger for a favor made me so uneasy that I felt like throwing up.

Come on Fallon. Woman up.

You need to stop being a coward.

I nervously adjusted the pink and black polka-dot bow I'd worn in my hair today for good luck.

I peeped at Archer again. He was wearing a maroon hoodie today, with the hood drawn so far over his head that I could barely make out his face.

The sound of my phone's ring tone had me nearly jumping in panic. I hastily answered the call and practically ran to the other end of the library where Archer wouldn't be able to see me.

I checked the caller ID and sighed. "Have I ever told you that you have awful timing?" I whisper yelled into my phone. "I almost got caught because of you."

Peyton's musical laugh answered from the other end. "I'm guessing you're still stalking that mechanic boy?" I could practically see her rolling her eyes. "Just go and talk to him."

"I'm not stalking him," I said defensively. "I just need to figure out a strategy before I can approach him." I sniffed.

Peyton sighed dramatically. "Then you can figure that strategy out while having lunch with me. This is the third day you're bailing on me during lunch break. You're officially dishonoring the best-friend code."

I shook my head and her antics and smiled. But I realized that she did have a valid point, there was no use in being here till I had a foolproof plan on how to approach Archer so I might as well salvage what was left of our lunch break and think about my next move.

"Okay fine. I'll be there in a second. Grab a turkey sandwich for me, will you?" I told Peyton as I ended the call and started walking towards the double doors.

I was lost in thought so I wasn't looking at where I was going. I ended up running headfirst into the wall. "Ouch!" I yelped, my hand flying to my burning nose. But when I finally raised my eyes to look up I realized that it wasn't the wall I had collided with, but a guy.

And not just any guy,

Archer Hastings.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking," I said quickly and smiled awkwardly.

He just eyed me in silence. I watched as he took me in from head to toe. His eyebrows raised a tiny fraction in amusement at my appearance.

I wasn't surprised at his reaction. Usually, people were much less subtle about it.

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