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Take my angvastra

● Hastinapur ●

Kampilya wasn't very far from Hastinapur, it only took them two days to reach here, and as they walked towards the entrance they saw many people standing there to welcome them.

A woman with a blindfold was standing with an aarti plate in her hands and was looking really happy, she was none other than Maharani Gandhari, she did Draupadi's aarti and other rituals and welcomed her.

But when kunti told everyone that all five brothers have married Draupadi, happiness vanished from their faces and the aarti plate fell from the hands of Gandhari. Everyone refused to accept this marriage.

And all of them walked away from there after Maharaj Dhritarashtra announced that he will talk about it in the royal court on Yudhisthir's request that they should also get a chance to prove their innocence and chastity of this marriage.

Mahamantri Vidur went to pitamah's chamber who was really angry, and narrated everything that he had found out and how this marriage was inevitable and pitamah understood why Pandavas did this and went out of his chamber to meet them.

Pandavas were in a chamber along with Draupadi and Krisha, everyone was tensed about what's goona happen in the royal court when pitamah entered the chamber.

it felt like someone showered cold water on their burns and all of them took his blessings.

Krisha also touched his feet after everyone and he blessed her jovially "अभिस्था सिद्धिरस्तु पुत्री, Vidhur told me about your arrival as well along with the situation that occurred in kampilya" (may all your wishes fulfill daughter) pithamah said.

When they were talking a messenger from the royal court came and informed them that they have been summoned at the royal court and the tension in the air increased with which they walked towards the court.


The environment of the court was really tensed, Yudhisthira was trying to prove themselves right but it was like Maharaj do not want that to happen because he keeps on giving priorities to the words of his sons and his brother in law.

But pitamah and mahamantri Vidhur argued for Pandavas claiming that the marriage was a necessary decision and mahamuni ved vyas himself gave his blessings to this marriage and considered it auspicious strengthening the side of pandu putras.

And finally Krisha and Draupadi relaxed but not for long because it's not the marriage that's the actual issue, but the position of yuvraj. The marriage is just a way to prove Yudhisthir unworthy of it.

Therefore now they even blamed them for not coming back to Hastinapur after the Varnavrat incident to fullfill their duties towards their people as yuvraj and Rajkumars claiming them unfaithful towards the people of Hastinapur.

Pandavas were really on the edge right now especially Bheem who literally wanted to crush Duryodhan's skull after seeing him blaming them for everything when he's the literal reason for it.

"I don't even consider them worthy of being Rajkumars of Hastinapur, firstly they ran away as cowards and now they returned as sinners bringing along the proof of their sin panchal Kumari Draupadi herself" Duryodhan shouted deliberately pushing the Pandavas especially Bheem to the edge so they do or say something that will only portray them in bad limelight even more.

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