Chapter 13

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The next day was full of training. If the moon goddess was right they should be here tonight. We will were finally aloud to train with the other warriors.

I wasn't surprised when I saw the girl in there that I beat up. Now that I remember her father was head warrior. Maybe that's why he hates me. I totally destroyed his daughter.

Mr. Head Warrior himself told everyone to find a partner , but then said for us to just watch so that we can know how real people train. I was about ready to jump at him, but Spencer held me back while dragging me to three chairs set out on the side of the room.

"See, he was planning this, why else would there be only 3 chairs. He is segregating us from everyone else. He is acting like we are monsters . We are not monsters, he is the monster . He needs to be shown how much of a monster I can be then." I shout while pointing to the chairs.

Spencer just puts me in one and sits down to the left on me. Cade just disregards his seat and sits in my lap. I sigh and run my fingers through his hair. He always has a calming effect on me.

It must be his powers coming to work. I never realised it before, but having around is calming. Maybe he should stick around me more. I probably won't attack as many people.

We sat on the chairs for over an hour before Mr. Head Warrior said we could join. Aled chose me as his partner while Spencer went with Conner [betas son].

We agreed out with the basis. This is how you throw a proper punch.......this is how you kick them correctly without snapping your ankle. I finally got so fed up I kicked him and he went flying across the room. I smirked from where I was standing.

"Did I use the right form sweetie." He scowls from where he was payed out on the floor. "Yes honey , I'm sure you broke me spine too, that's always a bonus." I cheered from where I was. Which is why I didn't expect for Aled to chrge across the room and tackle me to the ground. Softening the blow by putting his arms under me. I looked up to see him have a glint in his usually dull eyes.

"I don't think you were using the right form." I snide at him. He just let out a full belly laugh and got off of me, lending me a hand.

We will have our moment, but he is forever the gentlemen. And he is mine. All mine .


We stopped around noon for lunch. I ate food because my wolf was craving meat while me cat was craving fruit. So that leads to now.

I am cramping my faces with food while everyone watches. Expecially Aled .

"Is this how you are always going to eat, or not." I glare at him through the corner of my eye. I wait to finish my bite before I turn fully to him.

"I'm not only vampire, I do have a wolf and cat. They do like to eat regular food, I don't just drink blood. I eat like this maybe twice a month. Maybe more if I have let my wolf out a lot lately. Which I have been doing a lot of. So don't judge me if you haven't done it before ."

"That's the thing. We all have pigged out at once, so it's okay for us to make fun of you. Expecially since you have been here you haven't eaten any type of human food." He shoots back. I continue to glare at him as I bite into the burger I was eating . He just smirked at me obviously finding this funny.

I pick up my plate and stand up and start walking away.

"Where are you going Erika." He sighs from his seat.

"Somewhere where people don't judge me for how I eat. Just to let you know Aled , girls don't like it when someone says they eat a lot , it makes us feel fat." He looks taken back by what I said.

"I didn't say you are fat, you are anything but fat." He tries to explain his self .

"Oh so I can be chunky, lumpy, irregularly shaped. I could be......." I don't get to finish as he shoots up in seat and walks toward me.

"You are not fat, or lumpy or chunky, or anything else you said . You are perfect just the way you are." I look and see all of the guys smirk and the girls with awe struck face .

"It's pretty cool how you can swoon all the girls." He smirks at this new information . "Everyone that is me, that is." His smirk quickly drops and his eyes narrow.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, really, you need to learn that saying nice things to me isn't going to get you out of trouble. You have to beg me for it. Just because you say a couple of see words doesn't mean that I'm gonna forgive you. Maybe if you buy me some candy then maybe I will forgive you." He sighs before walking away.

He comes back with his wallet and keys.

"Where do you think your going." I ask him in a not to happy tone.

"I thought you said it have to buy you candy, so I'm going to buy you candy. A lot of it. What do you want?" I smirk, wow. I should get mad more often.

"Anything but chocolate." He nods before walking out the door. Gabriel speaks as we hear the car rolling out the drive way.

"Maybe you will be better for him then we originally thought . He is already following your commands." He explains.

"I wasn't even serious about the candy. If he is trying to make me happy he needs to buy me fruit and meat." I informed him.

"I just texted him that." Alex informed me. "He said okay." I smirked.



When Aled came back he came in carrying in about 7 bags. There was 2 mote guys behind him carrying more bags. On eas holding a mini-fridge . My eyes widdened, wow he is really trying to make up to me.

I watch him and the other guys set everything up. He motions me over when the 2 guys leave. He thanks them before turning back to me.

"I got everything you asked for. And a couple of things to drink. I'm gonna restock your fridge whenever I see that it's getting empty. I don't like it when you are mad at me." He states from his place next to the fridge.

I pick a beef stick up from the fridge and took a big bite out of it. "You bought me beef sticks , hiw could I stay mad at you?" He just grins before kissing my forehead.

"I'm glad I found out that food is the way to your heart." He smirks from besides. I look up into his hypnotizing eyes.

"It might not be the only way anymore Aled." He just leans down and sets a kiss onto my lips.

It's soft and short but it get the point across. He cares about me and isn't going to let me go.

"It hope not" He whispered.

In that moment I couldn't nave asked to be anywhere else, with anyone else.

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