(8): Kristy's Cafe

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I swear to God I will kill Kyle Chambers! Last night I barely got any sleep because him and his latest conquest were too busy enjoying each other's company to care about the amount of noise they were making. All I could here was disgusting moaning and groaning.

I'm scarred for life.

I'm already grumpy so the fact that his new girl is now occupying the whole kitchen, making what I think is breakfast, is not what I want to see. But it kind of smells good.

"Oh morning" She greets chirpily, flipping a pancake "Kyle told me he had a roommate. Want some pancakes?"

Maybe she's not that bad. At least she didn't call me ugly like the previous girl. And she's fully dressed and not just in a flimsy shirt.

I nod. I haven't had a proper breakfast in a long time so maybe this is exactly what I need "Yes please."

"I'm Angeline" She greets with a wide smile. She has beautiful teeth "You're Chelsea-Anne, right?"

"Just Chelsea is fine" I inform her. "So... why are you making us breakfast?"

"Kyle and I have an... understanding"

I raise a brow "Understanding?"

"He doesn't hit me up unless he's really not feeling well and most of the time my cooking makes him feel better, so yeah"


"Oh, that's nice" I can't think of anything else to say. And why wouldn't he be feeling well? Is it because of Zorro? "Did he happen to mention what was bothering him?"

She shrug "No. He doesn't speak much"


We sit in a comfortable silence and after a while she starts dishing up. It's like some sort of buffet because there are plates with pancakes, eggs, bacon, cheese grillers and what not. I wouldn't be surprised if I was drooling.

"You can dish up" She announces and I don't waste anytime in doing just that. She chuckles as she watches me and I just smile at her half embarrassed.

A few minutes later Kyle joins us looking fresh as ever. He doesn't even greet, he just dishes up and sits down.

I open my mouth to say something but he quickly interrupts me before I can "Rule number 4. Mind your own business" He reminds harshly.

I gape "I wasn't going to ask about Angeline"

"I don't care" He grates after swallowing "Normal people eat their food in silence so there's no need to ask about anything"

I pout frowning. He's so mean.

"Ignore him. He's always grumpy in the morning" Angeline whispers so only I can hear. I can't help but snort.

He's always grumpy.

Kyle narrows his eyes at me but doesn't say anything.

I finish before them then I get up and grab my bag. "Bye. See y'all"

"Bye Chelsea" Angeline smiles waving.

"I meant what I said yesterday" Kyle says suddenly just when I grab the door knob. I furrow my eyebrows "About Zach. Tell me if he contacts you and keep an eye out"

I gulp nodding, the fear back in my veins "I promise"

"Bye, Chelsea-Anne"


"So you're telling me there's a psychopath after you just because he thinks Kyle cares about you and is trying to hurt him?" Kat asks in one quick breath, looking very shocked.

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