(59): Parents Of The Year

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"Chelsea-Anne Richards, you live with a boy?!" My mom hollers angrily, her stare sending shivers down my spine.

After I went for my scan, my parents came back to my hospital room and listened as the nurse interpreted what my results meant. I had internal bleeding, that's why I was out for more than a day. That really scared me but I'm glad I'm okay. I didn't break much, just a small part of my rib cage which is easily fixable, so there's some good news.

They said I just had to remain for two more days so they could finish their work on me and try to mend my scar and bruises. I asked if I'd be needing a wheelchair cause my legs really feel like jello, but they reassured that they would be just fine and I wouldn't need one.

And now I've just told mom about the Kyle thing and she is not happy. At all.

"Now now, Lacey" My dad intervenes calmly "I think you should give her time to explain"

"Don't tell me how to speak to my daughter"


"Mom" I warn sternly, but still being respectful while I'm at it.

"Don't 'mom' me. I know there's something going on between you and that boy! Is that why you moved in with him? A boy?! I thought I raised you better than that"

I gulp scared "Mom, please let me speak"

She breathes "Fine, explain yourself. No lies, Chelsea, or so help me god"

Man, she makes me nervous.

"Okay... Kathrine and I got kicked out of our dorm and then I needed a place to stay. I found one with Kyle. He was the only available option" I say slowly, watching her facial expressions go from disappointment to what I think is annoyance and anger.

Oh god.

"You got kicked out?" She shouts "What did you do that's so bad?"

I can't throw Kat under the bus.

"I missed curfew" I lie.

"So you've been living with a boy for the past god knows how many months and you didn't tell me? You lie too now?" She scolds, her voice getting louder and my heart getting smaller.

I hate being shouted at. I know I deserve it but still.

"Lacey... she's still in the hospital. I think you need to take it easy on her" Dad defends.

I give dad an appreciative look before looking at my mom "I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you, mom"

"I can't believe you" She says disappointed.

I frown, tears threatening to leave my eyes. Those words hurt more than the physical pain that I'm in right now.

"Hush, princess" Dad coos softly, stroking my arm "We'll figure this out"

"First thing we're doing is moving you out of that boys house" Mom says.

I gape, eyes wide "No please"

"No daughter of mine is going to live with a boy" She scolds "A boy that she clearly has feelings for. Who knows what the two of you do there together?"

"No, mom, please" I beg desperately.

"Lacey, I think we should trust our daughter more. She's never given us any reason not to. Come on, give her the benefit of the doubt. She's about to be a woman" Dad says sternly; not being soft like he was before.

Thank you, daddy.

Mom looks like she wants to tell him off but decides against it before looking at me "I'll go easy because you are in a hospital bed"

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now