(52): Okay Romeo

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Does this guy have to be so damn gorgeous? I'm leaning on my elbow and looking at a sleeping Kyle and he literally looks so perfect. I woke up a few minutes ago and have just been admiring his face.

I can't help but smile. He is sleeping on his back and facing the ceiling, giving me the perfect view. His dirty blonde hair is a mess on top of his head but he still manages to look so good. His eyes are closed, his long lashes captivating me. I wish mine were that perfect. His bushy but thin eyebrows are slightly furrowed... I laugh softly, he can't fully relax even when he's sleeping.

My poor baby.

His pink full lips are slightly parted and I can't help but feel like I want them against my own. So desperately. That stubble covering his chin is growing more visible and I kind of like it. It makes him look... sexy and manlier. His always warm hand is against his chest that's heaving up and down with his breathing.

He looks so perfect. So radiant. I think it's unfair to the rest of the male gender that he's this gorgeous.

I kiss his cheek softly as I gently get up from my bed to go freshen up. The last thing I want is for him to wake up to my morning breath. I wash my face and quickly brush my teeth before walking back to my room and crawling under the covers again. He's still sleeping.

He is in a different position now, on his side and clutching my blue pillow. He looks so damn cute. I gently run my hand through his hair continuously; massaging him. I find myself kissing his forehead too, I just couldn't help it.

I was trying my best not to wake him up but it doesn't work because he starts to move before his grey eyes flutter open and he rubs them vigorously. He moves his head so he's looking at me and offers me a weak smile.


"Morning" I greet enthusiastically.

He lets out a loud yawn and stretches his arms causing me too coo at how cute that is.

When I do it, I look like a monster dying.

"You woke me up" He complains, his sexy groggy morning voice sending stabs to my heart. His tone is luckily playful.

I smile sheepishly "My bad"

"I wouldn't mind being woken up like that for life though" He winks boyishly causing me to blush.

He's always so nice and affectionate in the morning. Maybe sleeping with me puts him in a good mood. Thank goodness because it does the same for me.

"Mm maybe" I tease after recovering.

He suddenly attacks me into a bear hug so that I'm under him with his arms wrapped around me and I start to giggle uncontrollably "That damn 'maybe' drives me crazy"

Why am I not surprised that he doesn't have morning breath? This guy is literally flawless. His face is right in front of my grinning and flustered one.

"I'm sorry" I pout teasingly.

He shakes his head smirking "What should I do with you, Chelsea-Anne?"

Kiss me.

I smile innocently.

He tries to move away from me but I hold him tightly against me, still enjoying his warm body on mine. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around neck. His elbows are on either side of my face and he is on his knees holding himself up.


"Can I move now?" He smiles, a brow raised.

I shake my head against the pillow "Absolutely not, mister"

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