(70): Surprise Party

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So the last few weeks... if not a month actually have been quite okay. Nothing much has happened except for the fact that college is just getting harder and harder. Everyone has been preoccupied with it. Honestly, if Kyle and I didn't live together, I probably wouldn't see him much lately.

Their course has this thing where they have to shadow now. So if he's not on campus, he's doing that. And he still has gym and racing practice. I've also been busy with studying and sometimes we have afternoon classes now. Kyle and I still luckily have time for each other though. We make sure to spend time together a lot and it's always the highlight of my day.

Ever since I've admitted my 'readiness' to him, it's been harder and harder to resist that damn guy. I honestly don't know how I still am. He teases me about it sometimes. We'll be heatedly making out then he'll like "You're sure you aren't ready, yet, babe?"


Today is Nathan's birthday and surprise party so we're all excited. Kat promised all of us that she didn't spill the beans so hopefully he'll be very surprised.

"Okay, Kathrine just texted me that they're on the way" Nick informs us whispering.

"Why are you whispering? They're not here yet" Winnie deadpans and he flips her off causing us to laugh.

We didn't throw anything major, since he made it very clear that he didn't want a big thing. It's just the gang and Avery. There are also a few other guys that I don't really know but Kyle says they're Nathan's 'back-up' friends when him and Nick aren't around.

Kat booked out a restaurant for him and we basically spent the whole day decorating it and getting everything ready.

"You look gorgeous" I feel Kyle's presence as he wraps an arms around me and kisses my temple.

We haven't had much time to ourselves the whole day because earlier I was with the girls because they needed to do some shopping. And then after, it was straight to the restaurant to get everything ready. I'm not really big on PDA so I couldn't kiss him in front of everyone like I've been dying to.

I smile "Thanks, so do you"

I'm wearing a white off the shoulder crop top, and a red high-waisted skirt, pairing it with white heels and some jewelry.

Everyone else looks good though. We're all elegant and classy. The girls are in heels and the guys look handsome dressed all formal.

"You look so tall with heels on. Almost my height" He muses gazing at me.

I snort "I doubt I'll ever actually reach it"

The guy is well off taller than me.

"Chelsea and Kyle, can you two stop being all cozy and help us out please" Nicholas demands tutting at us "This is not Love Island"

He's so annoying.

"Help you with what? We did everything" I protest rolling my eyes at him.

He looks around for something cause he knows he just wants to annoy us "Ah-ha, why don't one of you hang that balloon that just flew off" He points.

"Nicholas. Fuck off" Kyle says.

He huffs "Fine. I'll do it. Like I've been doing everything around this damn place"

"Weren't you the one who forgot to pick up the cake?" Winnie challenges causing all of us to start laughing at the idiot.

"Dumbass" I snort.

He just scowls at all of us before his phone beeps and he looks.

"Oh shit, they're here. Everyone hide" He announces and we all do just that. Kyle grabs my hand and drags me with him so we're hiding at the same place. Someone turns off the light so it's dark inside and adds more to the mystery.

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now