(53): Obsessed

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"Hey, so I bumped into Delilah earlier" I announce to Winnie who is driving us back to the apartment.

I figured I might as well tell her.

She turns to me "You did?"

"Yeah" I nod "She's really sad, and she really regrets what she did"

Winnie shrugs meekly "I mean I'm not thrilled to hear that she's sad, but she was in the wrong and there's nothing I can do about it"

"Definitely" I agree.

"And I really appreciate that you guys chose to keep your distance after everything. It shows that I actually mean something and that you guys have my back" She glances and offers me a small smile "You can be her friend if you want to though"

"No. I think that chapter is closed"

She smiles again "I appreciate that"

"So are you and Nicholas better now? Like are you guys working on the friendship thing again?" I ask.

She frowns at the mention of his name "No actually. We barely speak, Chels, it's bad. I get that we need distance and all but I didn't know it meant that we shouldn't speak at all, you know?"

"I'm sorry, lady. I guess it really affected him and all" I try to comfort.

"Just feels like I lost a best friend"

"I know the feeling" I murmur, thinking about Jake and Noah. Friendship is just really a tricky thing, huh?

She smiles "But at least I have you guys"

"Forever" I grin agreeing.

"You know, Chels, I never thought I'd ever get along with another female like I do with you" She starts, her eyes shining "Like, I'm such a boy that I only used to get along with them. Like honestly, the thought of being real friends with a girl would make me cringe. I thought all they do is gossip about each other and whatnot. But you and Kat showed me otherwise. I'm really grateful for that"

I have a huge grin on my face the whole time I'm listening to her speak "Winnie that's so sweet. We're grateful for you too. We never thought we'd allow another girl in our very tiny circle, but yeah you were the exception to the rule"

"I would hug you if I wasn't driving"

I laugh "We can hug when we get home"

"How's your boyfriend?"

I snort amused at her phrasing "Uhm his name is Kyle and you've known him longer than me, so I don't know why all of a sudden he belongs to me"

"I don't know, I just like saying that" She offers amused "I never thought that boy would be anyone's boyfriend. It makes me happy"

"You're very nice today" I note smiling.

She scoffs "Chelsea, I'm always nice"

"Debatable" I snort and she gives me a fake-offended look "Anyways, Kyle is good. We're good, everything is good"

"I want it to stay like that"

I nod "Me too"

"His father and Zorro haven't bothered you guys again, have they?" She asks hesitantly.

"Not since new years" I confirm.


"Have they always been like that?" I ask.

"From what my dad would tell me about Kyle's dad, he didn't sound that bad. Like my dad didn't agree with most of his decisions, but he never went into detail about anything. And the times I got to be around him which was actually pretty often, he was like any normal man. But I guess that was mostly before Riley went missing. After, he started to become a stranger and all, so I didn't know him that well at that point. Like I don't right now"

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon