(73): Gym & Food

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"Oh my god" Kathrine shrieks loudly next to me as she watches my boyfriend "You did that, didn't you?"

Only God knows why Kyle would take off his shirt when his back looks like it's just been clawed by a damn bear. Now Kathrine is going to ask me 50 million questions.

"Chelsea!" She demands when I don't reply.

I groan, wanting to run into the ring and smack the damn guy "Yes. I was going to tell you but now I guess you already know"

"I can't-"

"Dude, what the fuck?!" Nathan gapes from inside the ring after seeing his friend's back, getting both our attention.

Kyle also seems to remember his 'situation' as he also gapes at his mistake. Well, at least he also didn't want that to happen. He quickly retrieves his shirt from the ground and yanks it on.

Kathrine, Kyle, Nathan and I are at the gym. Kat kept insisting it was a 'double date' but it's not exactly that. It's still fun though. We were just drooling over how hot our boyfriends looked boxing. They really do... or at least Kyle does. They were holding the punching bag for each other and taking turns. Everything was going well until now when my dumbass of a boyfriend decided to take his shirt off.

"Chels, you did this, didn't you?" Nathan smirks my way as he walks closer to us.

This is so embarrassing.

I roll my eyes "Ask your friend"

"She did. She just told me" Kat chirps, grinning widely.

Nathan laughs loudly "Oh my god. I never knew you had in you, Chels. Not even I've had scratches like that. Jesus"

"Okay, okay. Leave my girl alone" Kyle finally comes to my defense because I was seriously turning red "This is neither of your business" He continues shooting daggers at the couple.

"It's mine. She's my best friend" Kat excuses.

"Yeah. It's mine too. You're my best friend" Nathan also excuses looking to Kyle.

"We don't owe you anything" I deadpan.

"If you two don't tell us then I'm telling Nick and you know how he gets. Is that what you really want?" Kat threatens mischievously.


Kyle and I share a look before I sigh defeated "Fine. What do you want to know?"

The couple starts to laugh triumphantly.

Match made in hell.

Kyle and Nathan climb down from the ring before joining Kat and I. Now we're all sitting on some yoga mats and watching each other.

Nathan smirks "Speak"

"Fine. Kyle and I did it" I groan, wishing the ground could open up and swallow me "Happy?"

"When?" Kat trails.

"Two nights ago. Nathan's thing" I reply.

"Wait, you actually lost your virginity in a bathroom?" Kat gapes, eyes wide.

I don't have time to object because Nathan says "That's why you two looked so flustered up when you came to tell me you were leaving"

"No!" Kyle objects after being given a chance "Chelsea-Anne didn't lose her virginity in a fucking bathroom. She lost it on my bed, after we left the party"

"Oh" They drawl in unison.


"Great. Is this conversation over now?" I ask drily.

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now