(29): Ice Cream Talks

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My exam today went absolutely horrible. I don't know what happened but I literally forgot about all the poems we've done. I forgot how to interpret them and find their deep meaning.

I feel horrible.

"Why the frown?" Kyle asks driving.

Luckily he wasn't mad at me for much longer about the whole Zorro thing. He woke up and greeted me and even engaged in small conversation, to my relief and surprise. Now we've just finished writing and are on our way back to the apartment.

"My exam was so bad" I murmur.

He shrugs "Join the club"

"Sure, thanks" I retort bitterly "That's not what you say to make someone feel better"

"Not if she answers me in that tone"

"Fine, sorry" I murmur apologetically. "Even thought you always do it to me"

"Do what?"

"Answer me in a rude tone" I say.

He glances at me "I stopped, remember? We're friends now"

I can't help but smile when he says that, even though he pretends to be disgusted every time he says it.

It's always nice to be reminded that I managed to get through his hard shell and convince him to be my friend.

"We are, aren't we?" I grin.

He shakes his head "To my dismay, yes"

"Can we get some ice cream?" I ask desperately "It will surely make me feel better. You want me to feel better, right?"

"I don't really care" He says.

"So is that a yes?"

He groans annoyed "Fine."

"Yay!" I grin squirming around happily in my seat and clapping my hands.

Before I can say anything else, he puts on the radio which signals that I should shut up now before he changes his mind.

He does that sometimes.

Luckily the radio station he chooses always plays my favorite songs so I don't really mind anymore.

Damn my AP going psycho
Lil mama bad like Michael
Can't really trust nobody
With all this jewelry on you
My roof look like a no show
Got diamonds by the boatload

"Do you really know every song?" He ask looking at me curiously.

I shrug "The good ones"

"This is good?" He snorts provocatively.

"Yes" I exclaim exasperated "This is what your peers listen to, Mr Old. You're not a normal teenager"

"I am twenty, so yes I'm not a teenager"

Right. He's a year and semester older.

"What I mean is, you're too different from your peers. I'm concerned" I feign worry.

"My peers are people who like songs about drugs and sex" He retorts "I like songs with meaning"

I tut amused "Kyle, Kyle, Kyle"

I don't notice that he's now parking and then exits when he's done. I do too.

"What is this place?" I ask as I follow him.

"Sundae's Palace" He answers pointing at the sign "They have good ice cream here"

I shrug before continuing to follow him. We enter the little palace and my eyes widen in awe. The place is nice and cosy with bright colors.

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now