Chapter FORTY- TWO

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Alexandrea's P.O.V

I watched as they both walked over and entered the cafe. I gulped as Lucas's eyes met mine. His eyes gave off nothing and that's what fen scared me more.

"Alex!" Bex waved at me, before rushing over and plopping down on the seat opposite me. Lucas followed and sat by her side.

"Hey Bex. Luke" I forced a smile on my face, avoiding any glance at Luke. He seemed to be doing the same thing.

"What's up babe? You wanted to tell me something?" Bex chirped with a huge smile. I eyed her expression with a frown. If he makes her happy, then maybe I shouldn't tell her.... right? She's smiling and glowing, what of it wipes the smile off her face forever? But at the same time, he's not good for her. He's going to hurt her if she finds out. He's bad.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, glancing at Luke who was suddenly interested in what I had to say. "Um...can we talk alone?" I asked, silently pleading with Bex.

"Oh...sure" She said. "Um...Luke, can we meet later?" She smiled at Luke. Luke smiled back and nodded.

"Of course baby. Dinner? Tonight?" He asked and Bex blushed.

"Okay" she said, giving me a quick glance. On a normal day, I would have teased her about Luke and over dramatically wiggle my eyebrows to make her more embarrassed. But things are different.

"I'll see you later" he said and pecked her lips. She hummed in response and watched him leave the cafe with a smile displaying on her lips.

"I think...." She paused and bit her lower lip, smiling. " I think I'm starting to fall for him. He's perfect. Everything I've ever dreamed of my prince charming to be. You know those kind of guys that are in books? The kinds that you can only dream of? It's like he came right out of those books, Alex!" She chuckled in excitement as she glanced at me, grinning.

The more she talked about him, the more my head spun. I have no idea what to do. I was more confused than ever. "I'm....happy for you" I forced out.

"Thanks" she smiled at me and reached for my hand over the table. "I'm happy too" she added. "You were going to tell me something?" She asked, meeting my gaze.

"I..." I started but I thought of the way she spoke about him. What if she doesn't believe me? What if she's heartbroken forever? "Nothing. I just wanted to see you. I missed you" I said and forced a smile on my face.

She eyed me suspiciously. "Are you sure?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said. Then I told her of the accident that I cured the other day. I told her that I was over the speed limit and crashed my car. I told her that Nick found me and I went in a date with Eli afterwards.

Then we both went home and she dropped me at home. She kept on giving me these suspicious glances like she knew I was hiding something or maybe it was just me. I unlocked my door and entered the house, guiltiness eating me up.

I changed and decided to go to the beach. It's been a while since I've been there. I put on my flip flops and black sweats with a green jersey. I put my phone in my back pocket and a pepper spray, in case of any creeps.

I locked the house and put the key behind the pot of the flower plant. I sighed and scratched my head, messing up my head even more. Then I felt the bandage around my head. Nick...His words echoed in my head. No matter what they will always catch up...

I groaned and ran my hands through my messy hair. I massaged my temple before stepping into the street. I walked along the familiar roads and checked my phone for the time. 7:53pm. I sighed and put it back in my pocket. As I walked closer to the beach, the salty air started to fill my nose. I finally saw the glistening turquoise coloured water slowly come into view. I miss this place.

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