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Nicholas's P.O.V

I woke up, tossing and turning lazily because I knew today was Tuesday which was a school day and I didn't want to stand up just yet. I stretched and groaned on the bed lazily before I was jolted up by the sudden opening of my door. I reached for the gun in my drawer and sat up immediately.

"Nick!!!! You're still in bed??!!! Get your ass up, we're late!!" Zoey yelled as she stormed into my room in a pink long sleeve shirt and blue faded jeans with canvas. I quickly shoved the gun back into my drawer and locked it there.

"There's something called knocking!" I yelled as I stood up wearing only shorts. Gran is at the hospital for her check-ups so it was just Zo and I.

"Whatever, just throw something on because if we are late, I will kill you" she threatened and left my room. I rolled my eyes and got in the shower to freshen up. I still couldn't get yesterday out of my head, her smile and I couldn't stop sketching her face in my sketchbook. She already occupied four pages and the rest were aethetics of how I feel which I allow no one to see.

I got dressed and left my room after locking the door and keeping some things hidden and safe. I met burnt pancakes with coffee on the table and I already knew it was Zo that made it without guessing. I saw her sitting cross- legged on the couch and typing on her phone as I stared at her.

"What?" She said looking up from her phone.

"What happened to the pancakes? Again." I said referring to the countless number of times I had to eat burnt or half-done foods.

"It's not even that burnt" She defended pouting and I plopped on the couch beside her.

"This" I picked up one of the pancakes "is not burnt? It's literally black!" I said and she rolled her eyes at me.

"It's just black, it not burnt" she defended and took a bite as her face twisted in disgust but she swallowed it still. "See?"

"Yeah...." I dropped the pancakes and pushed it to one side then picked up the coffee "I'll just take the coffee" I said and took a sip.

"At least I try to cook, you don't even make an attempt" she muttered and I raised an eyebrow.

"I already told you, I hate cooking. Unless you want me to burn down the kitchen" I said defensively and gulped down the whole cup then stood up, taking my car keys.

"Weirdo, let's go" she said and hopped to my car. We drove to school and Zo got down from my car into the crowd of students. I got down then locked my door before I was roughly shoved into a corner by someone as I struggled.

The person managed to get me to the back of the school and I realized it was one of Venom's boys, Danny.

"What the fuck do you want Danny?" I growled out and he let out a menacingly smile.

"I heard you wanted out and Venom told me to pay you a little visit" He said.

"What do you mean?" I said alarmed at the mention of Venom's name.

"What I mean is, I know your plan and you might not know this but Venom has asked me to keep an eye on you for a while now so if I want, I could just walk right up to him and tell him you plan on how to quit or..." He trailed off as he shot me a smirk. What?! How the hell did he find out?! Shit!! This is bad.

"What do you want?" I said in anger.

"It's nothing much, you just have to do what I say. Simple" he grinned and I gave him a blank expression, closing off all emotions.

"No! I don't care! You can tell Venom if you want but I know he wouldn't kill me, I'm one of the his best workers" I said confidently and smiled when I saw the grin fall off his face in defeat. "So you will just be wasting your time by telling him" I said and turned around to leave.

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